human rights watch

fredag 28 februari 2014


stop abuse and violence against Iranian political refugees in LIBERTY refugee situation in Iraq
Following the suppressive measures carried out by Iraqi forces against Iranian dissidents in Camp Liberty past week, on Thursday, February 27, 2014, Iraqi forces again prevented the entrance of T-Walls inside Camp Liberty. These T-Walls were to be installed around the trailers of the residents in order to prevent them from rocket attacks against the camp. Instead, the Iraqi forces used the flatbeds and cranes, which had been rented at the residents’ expense, for their own use and in their own headquarters.

Pakistani seeks recognition as a Jew

Pakistani seeks recognition as a Jew.

Point of No Return readers will be familiar with Fishel Benkhald'scampaign to clean up the Karachi Jewish cemetery and restore the synagogue. Now Benkhald, who was born to a Jewish mother, is set to become a test case in Pakistan, a state which refuses to recognise Judaism as other than apostasy. Marc Goldberg interviewed Benkhald for The Times of Israel:

Jews and Kurds 'almost never fought'

Jews and Kurds 'almost never fought'

Rabbi Zechariah Barashi (photo: L Berman)

The world's oldest Jew is also the world's oldest Kurdish Israeli - Rabbi Zechariah Barashi, who came to Jerusalem in 1938. Jewish-Muslim relations in Kurdistan were excellent, Barashi tells Lazar Berman, writing for Rudaw, a Kurdish online news medium. Traditionally, the Jews were under the protection of the Agha, the local tribal chieftain, and were desperately poor and illiterate. (With thanks: Dominique)     

torsdag 27 februari 2014

YPG captured Tel Brak with a tactic taken from the Germans during WW2. Blietz attack but without airforce. Advancing tanks and armored vehicles pounding Al Qaida strongholds in the city while the ground forces attacks from the flanks capturing over 30 terrorists in Tel Brak.

YPG captured Tel Brak with a tactic taken from the Germans during WW2. Blietz attack but without airforce. Advancing tanks and armored vehicles pounding Al Qaida strongholds in the city while the ground forces attacks from the flanks capturing over 30 terrorists in Tel Brak.

Why they had to retreat from Tel Brak earlier was because Al Qaida disguised themselves as villagers entering the city during the aftermatch last time. And when the bulk of the YPG forces moved on towards Tel Hamis those Al Qaida disguised terrorists attacked YPG checkpoints that was left to bring safety to the people in Tel Brak. YPG have learned from its mistake and will force villagers to bring documents and will search from house to house after weapons.

This video shows YPG moving on towards Tel Hamis, Al Qaidas last stronghold in north eastern Syria also called Western Kurdistan or Rojava.

Long live a free Kurdistan and a democratic Syria without any islamists presence!

why kids feel bad? how living your kids?

why kids feel bad? how living your kids?

Today is Tuesday, and it is Christmas Eve soon we are going to the year 2009, but I see lots of spots each on child rights and why children feel bad? without results, only makes this advertising for its own reputation and rancor, but also to do something better for the children. there are lots of different threat to children today in society, and the first threat that is dangerous today there are drug and alcohol abusers and parents.

When racists enters authorities what can you do about ?

When racists enters authorities what can you do about ?
Hi Samuel ,
thanks for your call igår.jag 'll write about my traumatic experience here in Sverige.ett country that claims democracy and human rights but because of my last name ( Hassan ) terrorized me , my Bulgarian wife and my children in several år.konsekvensen of all these years is a large comprehensive tragedi.min mother died in 2000, but because Swedish authorities terror I could not attend my mother's funeral. Now my father is very old 85 years but I have not seen him in 11 years and 7 månader.mina children have been placed in many different cities for 10 years.I have contacted many different ( human ) organizationer as Amnesty International , mänskilga rights , etc .

söndag 23 februari 2014

A Norwegian newspaper has written Sweden are terrorists on the way Sweden can be a terrorist state on the psychological terror. Sweden also cooperates with dictatorial countries like Iran and Syria also helps Iranian regime against Iranian political refugees in Sweden .

A Norwegian newspaper has written Sweden are terrorists on the way Sweden can be can be a terrorist state on the psychological terror. Sweden also cooperates with dictatorial countries like Iran and Syria also helps Iranian regime against Iranian political refugees in Sweden .
Sverige är terrorister

lördag 22 februari 2014

Stop the violence against Syrian people

Stop the violence against Syrian people.

We call upon all women's organizations in the world to stop the violence in Syria.

News about western Kurdistan world should support the Kurdish people in northern Syria

News about western Kurdistan world should support the Kurdish people in northern Syria

many of the Iraqi highest security is Quds members and controls from iran ali khamananie, but Ghasem Sulimani Leadar of Qu's terror organization

many of the Iraqi highest security is Quds members and controls from iran ali khamananie, but Ghasem Sulimani Leadar of Qu's terror organization.
By Alan Gray
The government of Iraq not only abducted men and women from the ironically named "Camp Liberty," they also killed them and then secretly buried them. 

Responsibility for all of this lies with Iraq's Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki.
In August last year, there were warning that Iranian Qods Force, collaborating with the puppet Government of Iraq, was preparing for yet another attack on the camp and the people within.

fredag 21 februari 2014

United Nations Commission of Inquiry has issued a new report that documents crimes against humanity in North Korea -- including forced labor and starvation in prison camps, sexual abuse of prisoners and public executions for political offenses. The commission urges the international community to refer Pyongyang to the International Criminal Court, but human rights experts say that is unlikely to happen. VOA United Nations correspondent Margaret Besheer reports.

United Nations Commission of Inquiry has issued a new report that documents crimes against humanity in North Korea -- including forced labor and starvation in prison camps, sexual abuse of prisoners and public executions for political offenses. The commission urges the international community to refer Pyongyang to the International Criminal Court, but human rights experts say that is unlikely to happen. VOA United Nations correspondent Margaret Besheer reports.

måndag 17 februari 2014

we condemn February 15 999 lnternational attacks against Kurdish important leader Abdullah Öcalan

we condemn February 15 999 lnternational attacks against Kurdish important leader Abdullah Öcalan and Ocalan must be freed.   

DTK calls for support to the petition for Öcalan's freedom.

lördag 15 februari 2014

News about western Kurdistan, long live YPG, long live kurdistan kurdistan must become a country

News about western Kurdistan, long live YPG, long live kurdistan kurdistan must become a country

måndag 10 februari 2014

Kurdish families bound for Paris protest on anniversary of killings were stopped and searched under Schedule 7 of Terrorism Act 2000 - See more at:

Outrage as Kurds held up for hours at Dover crossing - See more at:held-up-for-hours-at-dover.
Statement by Peace in Kurdistan Campaign, Roj Women, MAF-DAD & Campaign Against Criminalising Communities (CAMPACC) Kurdish families bound for Paris protest on anniversary of killings were stopped and searched under Schedule 7 of Terrorism Act 2000 We were deeply shocked to learn that Kurdish families, including mothers with children and elderly people, travelling by coach from London to Paris, were stopped at Dover by police and held for over seven hours without any evidence of wrongdoing or illegal activities on their part.

lördag 8 februari 2014

Kurdish President Barzani Turns Down White House Invitation What Went Wrong with the American-Kurdish Relationship?

Kurdish President Barzani Turns Down White House Invitation  
What Went Wrong with the American-Kurdish Relationship?

Many people were baffled this week by the sudden news that Kurdistan Region President Massoud Barzani was not going to Washington. Barzani’s supporters said it was the Kurdish president who had cancelled the visit. Others laughed and said, “Who could cancel on the president of the most powerful country in the world?” From the US there was no explanation, and out of Kurdistan only came conflicting reports.

tisdag 4 februari 2014

soon going to write a book about anti-Semitism in Europe, I have read in the person's behavior and body language, your body language reveals you directly. a racist or a Nazi can be revealed through his or her body language

soon going to write a book about anti-Semitism in Europe, I have read in the person's behavior and body language, your body language reveals you directly. a racist or a Nazi can be revealed through his or her body language.
we will never forget the holocaust, unfortunately there are many idiotic who dreams of Hitler re-use in Europe, but to say it will never happen again massacre against the Jews,
January 27 each year reminder it is holocaust day that the Nazi dictatorship killed more than 6 million people because they were Jewish.
but unfortunately many dreams that hitler come back and kill Jewish people again, but will say one thing their dreams are wrong and it will never happen again, because today the Israelis very strong.

lördag 1 februari 2014

Western Kurdistan news in English, so you can take a look at this video

Western Kurdistan news in English, so you can take a look at this video