human rights watch

måndag 31 juli 2023

Das Jugendamt in Deutschland lügt und versucht, alles der Familien in die Schuhe zu schieben.


Das Jugendamt in Deutschland lügt und versucht, alles der Familien in die Schuhe zu schieben.

Heutzutage gibt es mehrere Unternehmen in europäischen Ländern, die Kinderhändler beschäftigen.

torsdag 27 juli 2023

Sweden'sوووو Turkish and Iranian intelligence agencies are behind the Quran burnings in Sweden to prevent Sweden's membership with Nato.


Sweden'sوو Turkish and Iranian intelligence agencies are behind the Quran burnings in Sweden to prevent Sweden's membership with Nato.

söndag 23 juli 2023

Iran to disarm Iranian Kurdish parties based in Kurdistan region


Iran to disarm Iranian Kurdish parties based in Kurdistan region

He gave a deadline. #Iran_must_be_stop

As the IRGC resumed its missile and drone strikes against the territory of the Kurdistan region of Iraq, the ambassador of the Islamic Republic in Baghdad announced that Tehran had given a 10-day deadline to "disarm Iranian Kurdish armed parties" to the Iraqi government and the Kurdistan region.

lördag 22 juli 2023

Shirvan Shirvani court It was unfair and inhumane. Kurdish youths are imprisoned by a gang of mafia, thieves and robbers


Shirvan Shirvani court.. Trial of Shirvan Shirvani was unfair

  It was unfair and inhumane.

Kurdish youths are imprisoned by a gang of mafia, thieves and robbers

Psychological research about Sweden's strategy to burn the Koran to cover up the crimes of the social administration against the foreign families of descendants living in Sweden

Psychological research about

Sweden's strategy to burn the Koran to cover up the crimes of the social administration against the foreign families of descendants living in Sweden

the psychological investigation about the Swedish media's strategy which tries to burn the Koran in order to turn the media to Koran burnings so that people forget the rape of children via the social service.

tisdag 18 juli 2023

Nina Rokan admitted that she is one of the Iranian regime's agents in Sweden and one of those who is a member with the Swedish political party the moderates,


Russian espionage within the moderates because Russia uses Iranian agents as spies in Sweden NINA ROKAN may be one of those spies
thye only lie 

Russian espionage within the moderates because Russia uses Iranian agents as spies in Sweden NINA ROKAN may be one of those spies,

#Nina_Rokan and #mahmoud_agha are on the side of injustice when it comes to systematic racism they agree with systematic racism because they work for other countries as agents

måndag 17 juli 2023

Unfortunately, the mercenaries of Türkiye, the same as the Turkish ones, started false advertising. False propaganda against the Kurds.kurdistan workers party pkk denied propaganda sent by turkish agents against us


Unfortunately, the mercenaries of Türkiye, the same as the Turkish ones, started false advertising.

False propaganda against the Kurds.kurdistan workers party pkk denied propaganda sent by turkish agents against us.

New research results: social anxiety of Iranians is not caused by depression. Rather, it is due to the fear of the violent behavior of the Islamic system in Iran.


New research results: social anxiety of Iranians is not caused by depression.

Rather, it is due to the fear of the violent behavior of the Islamic system in Iran.

lördag 15 juli 2023

In 1989, in Vienna, the capital of Austria, Dr. Abdurrahman Ghasemlou was negotiating with the representatives of the Islamic Republic, and the killer agents of the Islamic State brutally assassinated her


In 1989, in Vienna, the capital of Austria, Dr. Abdurrahman Ghasemlou was negotiating with the representatives of the Islamic Republic, and the killer agents of the Islamic State brutally assassinated her

NATO preparing for full-scale war against Russia.


NATO preparing for full-scale war against Russia.

And Erdogan is the spy of the West against Russia and the scapegoat of Erdogan in his deceitful friendship with Russia

And Erdoğan is a spy assigned against Russian interests.

He played an important role in connection with the Wagner leader and Wagner's incitement against Russia.

  that the money and bribes given by leader Wagner were transferred by Turkey to leader Wagner.

Kinderhandelsunternehmen in Europa, sobald ein Verfahren gegen eine Familie eingeleitet wird.


#Kinderhandelsunternehmen_in_Europa , sobald ein Verfahren gegen eine Familie eingeleitet wird. Kinderhändler betreten den Fall. Wenn mehrere Gerichte das Verfahren gegen Kinderhandelsunternehmen in Europa einstellen, werden sie das Verfahren reaktivieren und das Verfahren gegen die Familie wieder aufnehmen.