human rights watch

lördag 16 augusti 2014

currently ongoing genocide against the Yezidi-Kurds in Sengal province in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq). People mass murdered, buried alive, is persecuted, beheaded and driven from their homes.

currently ongoing genocide against the Yezidi-Kurds in Sengal province in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq). People mass murdered, buried alive, is persecuted, beheaded and driven from their homes.

 Women kidnapped, sexually abused and raped and sold for slavery in markets. More than 300 000 people (most of them are children, the elderly and women) are trying desperately to escape the massacre and flees in the hot desert without food and water. 
There is an ongoing humanitarian disaster right now in Kurdistan. 
We are below the undersigned organizations and movements in Sweden have established a platform called "Sengal platform" in order to draw attention to the massacre of civilians in Sengal and show support for those affected. 
The demonstration has the following objectives: 
• Condemnation of the terrorist organization, the IS and its allies such as Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. 
• Expressing support for the vulnerable Kurdish-Yezidi people and other affected populations in the region. 
• Appealing for international support for humanitarian efforts for those affected Yezidis. 
All are welcome! 
Date: Saturday 2014-8-16 
Time: 14:00 
Location: Södermalmstorg (Slussen T-Bana) / STOCKHOLM 
The demonstration of arrrangeras; 
zagros Platform 
• KNK (Kurdish National Congress) 
• Kurdish Council (umbrella organization for Kurdish cultural associations in Sweden) 
• Mesopotamia Renewal Party 
• Democratic Union Party (PYD) 
• Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) 
• Goran Operating 
• Former Peshmerge Association 
• Kurdusid Woch- CHAK 
• Kurdistan Communist Party 
• Kurdistan Free Life Party (PJAK) 
• Kurdistan Zarathrustra protection bracket

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