human rights watch

tisdag 12 augusti 2014

Genocide against the Kurdish Yezidi in Shingal by isis the Islamic terror organization isis.

Genocide against the Kurdish Yezidi in Shingal by isis the Islamic terror organization isis.
 as new information many women and even little girls got rape by Islamic barbaric terrorists members in Shingal. 
 Isis took Christian girls and many of the girls were raped by Islamists in Musel and Shingal.
Witness tells how Islamists took the women and then raped the woman in front of their men in Shingal even in Musel. 

A witness told us that Isis members also raped little girls, girls who got raped by Isis Islamic barbaric terror organization's members, those girls were between 6 and 10 years old.
Islamists killed more than 3500 Kurdish Yazidi children and older Islamic terrorists killed Kurdish Yazidi men. 

  Islamic terrorists also took Yazidi Kurdish wives and children.

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