human rights watch

lördag 16 augusti 2014

Öcalan: War is at a stage to end through democratic negotiations

Öcalan: War is at a stage to end through democratic negotiations
Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan told a HDP delegation
that visited him on 15 August, the 30th anniversary of the PKK's
launching of the armed struggle: "this 30-year war is at a stage to end
through democratic negotiations". Anf

HDP Group chairs Pervin Buldan and İdris Baluken and HDP Istanbul MP
Sırrı Süreyya Önder have issued a written statement regarding their
visit to Mr Öcalan yesterday.

Öcalan sent important messages regarding the resolution process via the
delegation, in addition to a message concerning 15 August.

He made an evaluation of the Presidential election, congratulating the peoples of Turkey. 

"This 30-year war is at a stage to end through democratic
negotiations", said Öcalan, who also dwelt on the ISIS capture of Sinjar
on 3 August. Öcalan said: "I send my special greetings and feelings of
appreciation to the peace forces who are resisting in the region for
our freedom."

According to the HDP delegation, Öcalan passed on messages in
particular regarding the process of resolution, the anniversary of 15
August, the Presidential elections and ISIS attacks in South Kurdistan.

15 August: "I want to say that on the occasion of
the 30th anniversary of 15 August we are on the verge of historic
developments. This 30-year war is at a stage to end through democratic
negotiations. This process has profound historic and social significance
and has the potential to be a model for peaceful resolution of serious
problems in the whole region,. not just in Turkey."

Presidential election: "Firstly, I would like to
congratulate all the people from Hakkari to Şırnak, from Lice to
Bayburt, to Rize and Trabzon and from Istanbul to Izmir who voted for
our radical democratic struggle. This rapidly growing support is one of
the strongest guarantees of peace and fraternity. The most historic
outcome of the election is that it has created the basis for surpassing
the nationalist and fascist policies of the last 90 years. The
significance of the new period is the possibility of transforming the
notion of a democratic Turkey, a democratic republic, from a utopia into
reality. For the Kurds this corresponds to a revolutionary significance
in the process of building a free and democratic society. The HDP will
be an effective opposition, and in the future a democratic, broad-based
administration. Under this democratic rule, all the people ranging from
Alevis, who are the victims of all kinds of repression and hate
discourse just because of their faith, the villagers whose waters are
plundered and whose ecosystem is destroyed by the hydroelectric dams,
all the people who feel that their lifestyle is under threat, the youth
who are left without a future and who are forced into a lumpen life, the
women who are slaughtered each day, those whose labour is made
worthless by the subcontracting system and workers who are massacred in
job related accidents will feel themselves safe under the guarantee of
this democratic programme. Our determined 30-year struggle which has
evolved into a process of negotiation has played a key role in the
achievement of this result. I thereby call on everyone to understand the
process more profoundly and make a contribution for a democratic
country. The government should also understand the fact that the people
of Turkey have made clear their wish for a real national integrity and a
democratic state. It is now a historical necessity for them to
understand this correctly and mobilise in order for the country to be
transformed into a democratic common homeland that is far from all
hegemonic and interventionist approaches. I want like to thank all those
who contributed to this election campaign."

Occupation of Sinjar: "While saluting the upcoming
World Peace Day of 1 September, I send my condolences to the Yezidi
people of Sinjar. I commemorate with respect all those who have fallen
while resisting for the freedom of the people of Rojava, Sinjar, Maxmur
and Mosul. I send my special greetings and thanks to the national peace
forces who are engaged in struggle in the whole region for our freedom."


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