human rights watch

lördag 6 september 2014

Bayık: HPG and YPG saved the human dignity

Bayık: HPG and YPG saved the human dignity


Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK) Executive Council Co-President Cemil Bayık who spoke to MED NUÇE tv channel on Friday evening made significant evaluations regarding Sinjar, national unity, the war going on in the Middle East, mother tongue question and the one-week boycott KCK has called for in the first week of the new school year.

Referring to the migration of Yezidi people from home, Bayık said Yezidis should turn back to their lands -where they have their origin and history, as well as sacred places-in order not to allow ISIS gangs to realise their plan to cleanse this region of Yezidis, to force them to migration and to prevent their return back home.
Bayık said that in order to achieve this, Yezidis need to establish their own self-defense system as they cannot trust anyone-as has been proved by what has happened. According to Bayık, Yezidis in Tal Afar should form together with Turkmenians a joint front of fight against ISIS. “They can re-build the life in their lands by assisting each other and standing together against ISIS gangs. In this way they can cleanse Tal Afar, Sinjar and Rabia of ISIS and live there”, he suggested.
The KCK Executive stressed that the intervention of HPG and YPG on the first day was of vital importance, recalling the fact that the Yezidi people wouldn't have been able to survive if it hadn't been for HPG and YPG forces. “If all these people had been massacred, Kurds, the regional Kurdish government and the Kurdish parties in South Kurdistan wouldn't be able to appear before humanity. The intervention of HPG and YPG disallowed the Kurdish honour be trampled on, also the honour of South Kurdistan and the parties there, the KDP in particular, which all owe to the YPG, HPG and Sinjar Resistance Units that protected the ethic and moral values of humanity as well as faiths and religions.”
KCK Executive Council Co-President pointed out that ISIS was formed and grown up to strike Kurds, attacking since the very beginning of the Rojava revolution the Kurdish regions and the people determining the fate of their lands through their struggle and organisation. Bayık said ISIS was brought forward in order for the elimination of the Rojava model which is an alternative and a solution.
Referring to a discussion going on in European countries about the removal of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) from the list of terrorist organizations, Bayık said it is finally being accepted that the PKK is a freedom movement, and that it is also fighting for other peoples and different faiths, and wanting for them the same with what it wants for Kurds. "Even those who put the PKK on the list are discussing the removal now. They accept that PKK did what they should have done in Sinjar, preventing massacres and protecting the human dignity, faiths, religions, cultures and values, while also standing against the ISIS terror. Peoples of the Middle East take strength from the PKK now as the truth on it becomes more evident."
Bayık also drew attention to the failure of the so called Geneva I and II peace conference for Syria, and called for the gathering of a Geneva 3 Conference which -he said- could provide a basis for peace in Syria in consideration of the higher chance born now when international states and the U.S. agree on fighting ISIS. “However, relations with Rojava are also vital for the achievement of this. They should even establish a relation with the Syrian regime. The Syrian question can only evolve into peace by means of democratic ways and the unity of Syria”, Bayık underlined.
Commenting on the process of resolution going on with the new government in Turkey, Bayık said the Kurdish people in North Kurdistan should approach the process cautiously considering the unfulfilled promises of the former government that has taken no steps in practice. "The government officials are saying that the process is going well and maybe they are saying this because Leader Apo [Öcalan] is saying so. Leader Apo didn't say something which means there is no problem or danger in the ongoing process. He says what needs to happen."
Also warning against statements intending to show that the process is going on well without any problem, Bayık said; "This is a psychological war in which assimilation and cultural genocide is maintained while time is gained by giving hope to all democracy powers and peoples".
Stressing that all the moves made in the process so far was a result of the efforts made by Öcalan, Bayık said the Turkish side which has taken no steps serving the purpose of the process up to date wanted now to deceive the people by saying that it is ready for talks with Kandil and by presenting this as a new step.
KCK Executive remarked that all the moves the Turkish state has taken so far served cultural genocide and assimilation, reminding of the recent demolition of Mahsum Korkmaz's statue, and commenting it as an attack on the sacred values of Kurds.
Bayık noted that the people should continue the struggle and rely on the process only after seeing concrete steps from the Turkish side.
KCK Executive also said that the democracy powers in Turkey should push the government to make a move, warning that it would otherwise lead to a lack of public confidence and war.
"There will be no trust until Leader Apo's conditions are improved and negotiation delegations are formed. Negotiations can only make a progress by ensuring the necessary conditions for Leader Apo", he underlined.
Referring to a recent call the KCK has made for one-week boycott in the first week of the new school year, Bayık said the Kurdish people should protest the Turkish system of education which imposes assimilation on them and doesn't allow them use their mother tongue.
Bayık said Kurdish institutions, parties and organizations should lead the boycott and organize protest demos outside directorates of national education to demand education in mother tongue.

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