human rights watch

måndag 2 februari 2015

Richard Janssen is a ‪#‎Dutch‬ man who joined the ‪#‎YPG‬ you guys may allready know him. Well Richard is seriously injured he has sustained brain damage in fights with ‪#‎ISIS‬. Richard is now in a hospital in Sulay, I received these pictures from his father. The people that stand next to Richard are‪#‎Kurds‬ their son is also in the same hospital as Richard, they can't communicate with Richard yet they show so much love and compassion

Richard Janssen is a ‪#‎Dutch‬ man who joined the ‪#‎YPG‬ you guys may allready know him. Well Richard is seriously injured he has sustained brain damage in fights with ‪#‎ISIS‬. Richard is now in a hospital in Sulay, I received these pictures from his father. The people that stand next to Richard are‪#‎Kurds‬ their son is also in the same hospital as Richard, they can't communicate with Richard yet they show so much love and compassion
Richard needs a surgery as soon as possible, and his father can use any financial assistance we will set up an Gofundme-account tomorrow to raise as much money as we can, we will share the link as soon as it is set up. So keep an eye on the page and continue to pray for Richard!
Thanks on behalf of the father of Richard!

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