human rights watch

lördag 1 april 2017

HDP's referendum song in Kurdish banned in Van, Şırnak and Amed

HDP's referendum song in Kurdish banned in Van, Şırnak and Amed
HDP's referendum campaign song “Bêjin Na” [Say No] has been banned in Van, Şırnak and Amed provinces in North Kurdistan.
Saturday, April 1, 2017 3:00 PM

The Turkish government which continues its relentless ''Yes' campaign for the referendum in Kurdish in some Kurdish cities has banned the Kurdish referendum campaign song “Bêjin Na” [Say No] of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) in three major Kurdish cities.

After Van and Şırnak, Diyarbakır Governorate has also sent a written notice to all the HDP branches, arguing that the lyrics of the song were against the first three articles of the constitution, and could cause public indignation.

The notice also said that those playing the song would be subject to legal action.

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