human rights watch

söndag 14 januari 2018

Turkish fascists and terrorist army and Al-Qaeda in action after Erdogan’s orders Turkish army and Al-Qaeda gangs started to attack YPG positions in Afrin, after Turkish president Tayyip Erdogan spoke of a military operation against Northern Syria.

Turkish  fascists and terrorist army and Al-Qaeda in action after Erdogan’s orders
Turkish army and Al-Qaeda gangs started to attack YPG positions in Afrin, after Turkish president Tayyip Erdogan spoke of a military operation against Northern Syria.

Hayet Al-Tahrir gangs in Idlib opened artillery fire against Afrin right after Erdogan’s statement on Saturday. The gangs targeted Iska and Celeme villages in the south of the Afrin canton.
Turkish army also bombarded YPG positions in Dir Belot village near Siye.
Late on Saturday gangs and Turkish army attacked Qere Baba, Ferferke and Pira Hesrekiya villages close to the Turkish border.
YPG and YPJ forces responded to the attacks and locals report several gang members killed.
Locals also report new tank deployment in the area by the Turkish army.
Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan threatened Afrin with military operation on Saturday. Speaking at his party meeting in Elazig, Erdogan demanded YPG forces be withdrawn from Afrin within a week.

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