human rights watch

fredag 2 februari 2018

Warning Erdogan suffers from strong mental illnesses

Warning Erdogan suffers from strong mental illnesses
Based on the confidential information we received, Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been diagnosed as a paranoid type of mental and acute mental illness.
At night he jumps and goes to his guards and talks with himself, saying they are coming.
Erdogan has suffered from mental illness selfishness and selfishness.
Erdogan told one of his close guards that Erdogan dreamed that the Kurdish people wanted to become independent, Erdogan told that the Kurds in his dream had a very strong war plan and they would occupy Turkey and capture erdogan.
because Erdogan decided to attack Afrin.
This means that Erdogan needs to meet urgently a psychologist Erdogan suffers from strong mental illnesses such as paranoid and schizophrenia and psychopathy
for surveys we have done about Erdogan's healthy results, so Erdogan is mentally ill and in the future become well he can be very dangerous for the Turkish people, too. Erdogan can be very dangerous for the outside world.
New information about Erdogan's mental illness.
Erdogan suffered from psychotic madness.
He loves the bleeding and killing of people such as Erdoğan consider them to be his enemy.
because today the Turkish sick man uses everything even internationally prohibited weapons like Napalm bomb and Chemical chlorine gas against the Kurdish people in Afrin.
by samuel kermashani
psycho analytics

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