human rights watch

onsdag 3 oktober 2018

Dissident “Peshmerga Rojava” founder, colonel reveal forming goal, Turkish exploitation

Dissident “Peshmerga Rojava” founder, colonel reveal forming goal, Turkish exploitation
The dissident colonel of "Peshmerga Rojava" Riyad Salahaddin, one of the founders of Peshmerga Rojava, reveals in this report the details of the Peshmerga groups, the purpose of its formation and how they were exploited by the Turkish state and the authorities of Başûr "Southern Kurdistan” to hit the gains of Rojava people.

Groups that call itself "Peshmerga Rojava", which were founded to be used against the gains of the people in Rojava at the request of Masoud Barzani and the Turkish state, appeared in several places and caused many problems and crises. The purpose was to create strife among the people of Rojava and cause trouble among the Kurdish people in Rojava and Khanasor clashes are a perfect example of that.

Riyad Saladin Hussein from Qamishlo city worked as colonel in the Division 1 of Peshmerga Rojava groups and one of the founders of these groups from these groups after discovering their truth. In an interview with the Hawar news agency, Riyad recounts the truth about opening the border of the Sêmelka crossing at the beginning of the Syrian revolution, he is among the groups that call themselves Peshmerga Rojava's, and the parties which support these groups and the reality of what happened in Khanasor.
Peshmerga Rojava
An armed military faction formed in 2012 at the request of Masoud Barzani of the children of Rojava after the outbreak of the Syrian revolution, received military training by Turkish intelligence experts in camps in Başûr, and was named as Peshmerga Rojava which aim of this designation is to consider itself a force formed to fight in Rojava, the so-called the Kurdish National Council in Syria (ENKS). The Peshmerga Ministry in Başûr claims that these armed groups belong to it.
Concentration of Peshmerga Rojava groups
The Peshmerga Rojava group consists of three brigades that have received military training. The first brigade is trained to use all types of weapons and wars. The brigade, led by Riyad, is considered one of the most important groups within Peshmerga Rojava. The second and third brigades include 93% of the Kurdistan Democratic Party in Syria, most of them are from the elderly, each brigade has 1,250 elements, the total number is 3,750 fighters, including about 200 elements of Başûr Kurdistan Peshmerga.
The Peshmerga Rojava groups are based in the border regions of Rojava and the largest areas of Peshmerga Rojava groups are Ain Aouez.
"Peshmerga Rojava" groups’ formation and the conditions
Riyad joined in 2012 with the groups that call themselves the " Peshmerga Rojava" Riyad was one of the founders of these groups. Riyad and some of his comrades met with the commanders of the Başûr Kurdistan to form a military force. One of the conditions of Riyad when forming these groups was not working with the political parties in Başûr Kurdistan or even Riyad said in this regard, "In the first meeting to form the group, we met with the commanders of Başûr, the only condition was not to associate with any political party in Başûr and the Kurdish National Council in Syria In particular, the KRG agreed on our condition."
Başûr was publishing false propaganda against the fighters in Rojava
After the formation of “Peshmerga Rojava" groups, the authorities of Başûr Kurdistan opened the border to young people to join a large number to this group, while the authorities began spreading lies about the YPG and YPJ and was promoting the young Kurds who were displaced to Başûr to join the ranks of the Peshmerga, till Kobanî events started and YPG and YPJ were attacked by IS mercenaries.
Opening of Sêmelka crossing was intended to bring young people to join the groups of Peshmerga Rojava
During the start of the formation of the People and Women Protection Units in Rojava, the authorities of the Kurdistan region began to open the Sêmelka crossing claiming to receive the people of Rojava in order to protect them and provide water for them. Riyad denied all allegations and confirmed that the goal of opening the Sêmelka crossing is to bring young men to join Peshmerga Rojava groups
Kobanî resistance shook the throne of Başûr Kurdistan, led to splits in the ranks of the Peshmerga
When IS mercenaries attacked Kobanî in 2014, all the lies that were claimed by the authorities of the Kurdistan Region appeared, where the resistance shown by the YPG and YPJ against mercenaries in Kobanî proved in contrast to what was claimed by the authorities of Başûr Kurdistan, the resistance did shake the throne of Başûr Kurdistan’s authorities, Riyad said "After the resistance demonstrated by the fighters of YPG and YPJ in Kobanî, all lies appeared and the units proved to be the only force that can protect the land of Rojava from terrorism and IS, it led to the split of a large number of Peshmerga who resorted to Rojava and this shook the throne of the authorities of the Kurdistan Region."
Peshmerga attacks on ENKS's commanders amid continuous schisms
According to Riyad, Peshmerga Rojava groups tried to enter the areas of Rojava, but the Kurdistan Democratic party (KDP) in Syria rejected this, even though it was one of the parties that were rejected by Peshmerga Rojava. After the events in Kobanî and the inability of Peshmerga Rojava to enter the war against IS, Peshmerga Rojava attacked some commanders in the Kurdistan Democratic Party in Syria when they tried again to approach them while the schisms continue within the ranks of the Peshmerga.
The coalition calls on the Peshmerga to be ready to work under the leadership of the People's Protection Units
Riyad met in 2015 with commanders of the International Coalition during the meeting, the commanders of the coalition demanded from Riyad and some commanders of "Peshmerga Rojava" to get ready and support YPG and YPJ after the attacks launched by IS mercenaries on Rojava, the International Coalition delegation confirmed to Riyad that the entry will be under the leadership of the YPG and YPJ and the Peshmerga will work as any military force within the YPG, such as al-Senadid and Sotoro Forces. Riyad agreed to the proposal and the International Coalition called on the regional authorities to meet with all the commanders to prepare for supporting the People's Protection Units.
The authorities of Başûr reject the US proposal and demand Rmaylan
At the beginning of a meeting held between Başûr Kurdistan’s Peshmerga commanders, Peshmerga Rojava, the International Coalition and some political parties in Başûr Kurdistan, Riyad was also within this meeting, Peshmerga of Başûr and the delegation of the Kurdish National Council in Syria rejected the US proposal (entry without any preconditions) and Peshmerga Başûr demanded of the coalition Rmaylan town of Qamishlo canton at the first entry of the Peshmerga Rojava ,while the coalition rejected the proposal of Peshmerga Başûr, the parties interfered in the meeting and Rmaylan was the basis for the Başûr Kurdistan side.
Arrest of 6 officers, including Riyad and 60 elements on charges of "American agents""
After the meeting, the intelligence of the authorities in Başûr arrested a number of 6 officers, including Riyad and 60 members of Peshmerga Rojava, on charges of US agents and coordination with the People's Protection Units, and intelligence put Riyad, officers and Peshmerga in a prison in Arbil for 4 months.
"Başûr’s aims are oil and money, not supporting Rojava"
In response to what happened in the meeting, Riyad said, "At the meeting, the parties associated with the authority of Başûr Kurdistan wanted Rmaylan in exchange for the entry of Peshmerga Rojava to Rojava" again, it turned out that the authorities of Başûr "south of Kurdistan" since the beginning of the Syrian crisis had no intention to intervene for the interest of the Kurdish people, but their only goal is to get the land, money and oil. Claiming Rmaylan, which includes a number of oil wells, illustrates the goal of the authorities of Başûr Kurdistan.
Directing the Heavy Weapons Division of Peshmerga Rojava to Khanasor to target HPG and YPŞ
In Khanasor events in March 2017, Riyad was working in Hewlêr after leaving the intelligence prison of Başûr Kurdistan, and at the same time a leader in the First Division of Heavy Weapons, ordered by the Peshmerga leadership in Başûr, the first division of the Peshmerga Rojava competent to fight and heavy weapons headed to Khanasor, the leadership at that time said that there are roads and the Peshmerga have to seize them which used by some parties to smuggling, as confirmed by Riyad and those roads were under the protection of the HPG and Şengal Units Resistance(YPŞ). However, on that date, the Special Gray Teams and some other groups of Başûr Kurdistan reached the contact lines with the HPG and Şengal Resistance Units. Immediately after the arrival of that division and the gray team that appeared in several places with the Turkish army, they targeted the Şengal Protection Units points, and the Şengal Women Units with heavy weapons and resulted in the martyrdom of a number of the Popular Defense Forces and Şengal Protection Units and dozens of Peshmerga and Gray Teams were killed, but the Kurdistan Democratic Party did not announce the death of its Peshmerga.
The aim of inciting Peshmerga Rojava against the People's Protection Units
Commenting on the skirmishes that took place between the People's Protection Units and the Peshmerga Rojava, Riyad said, "The aim was not to stop the aid for the people of Şengal, the other objective of that operation is to target the People's Protection Units with Peshmerga Rojava’s weapon, so that they could cause a split between the two sides. However targeting YPG with Heavy weapons at the beginning of the arrival of special teams clarified all things, following the clashes, many Peshmerga left their weapons and the authorities arrested them completely, those who refused the clashes entered the prisons of Arbil."
Başûr Kurdistan authorities do not trust the Peshmerga Rojava, and the commanders of all these groups are of Başûr Kurdistan's Peshmerga
Peshmerga Rojava groups work under the leadership of Peshmerga Başûr Kurdistan, that the orders that are issued are not from Rojava's Peshmerga and  the colonel of the army is from Başûr Kurdistan and the order of the regiments are of Başûr and so far, these groups could not isolate themselves from the orders of Başûr Kurdistan Peshmerga's commanders, the only commander in Rojava's Peshmerga was the colonel Riyad who was also arrested by the intelligence services as mentioned at the beginning of the report ,in order to receive all the leadership, and the reason is the lack of confidence of  Peshmerga Rojava, according to Riyad.
All signs indicate that Turkey is supporting " Peshmerga Rojava" groups
In several reports published earlier by the Hawar news agency, the Peshmerga groups received support from the Turkish state in coordination with the authorities of the Başûr Kurdistan, Riyad said about this, "There were several bodies visiting the Peshmerga, Turkey was visiting the groups openly, there were some aspects participating in the exercises which was received by the groups, the leaders of Başûr claimed that they are from the International Coalition, but I confirm that these delegations were not from the International Coalition, but the support we were receiving was strong and Başûr cannot provide it and we were supported by a anonymous body, and as I and my comrades noticed "It is certain that this support comes from Turkey."
Peshmerga Rojava is not a force to intervene in Rojava, and cannot as it is a force working according to the policy of Başûr Kurdistan
After all the attempts of Riyad to change the reality that changed the course of Peshmerga Rojava, according to him, he realized that this force did not and will not be able to enter Rojava lands to support the Protection Units because it is a force works according to the policy of Başûr Kurdistan and their policy against the Protection Units, I know that these forces will not be able to enter Rojava because of the policy of Başûr Kurdistan, but on the contrary Başûr uses all methods and incites the Peshmerga against the Protection Units through lies far from the actual reality of the region."
The Peshmerga will not enter Rojava and history will curse them
Riyad said "I did not see during my existence within the Peshmerga Rojava groups the reality of its formation, In fact , the intelligence arrested me, I did not see any value for Peshmerga in Başûr Kurdistan which only want to impose its policy on the leadership of Rojava and the entry to Rojava will remain a dream of the Peshmerga because the history will curse them and even our people in Rojava will hold them accountable for their silence about what is going on there, and the trouble they caused against the Protection Units who protected the dignity and the people of the elements who now exist in Başûr Kurdistan."
The strength of the YPG and YPJ prompted me to go and join it
After several years of suffering in Peshmerga Rojava,  Riyad decided to return after hearing about the sacrifices made by the YPG ,YPJ and the Self-Defense Forces, he decided to go to Rojava and join the Self-Defense Forces, he said "I was greatly touched by the YPG ,YPJ and the Self-Defense Forces, after the sacrifices they offered although these forces were formed a few years ago, their discipline makes the individual feel that he is in a regular army no one can stand in front of it and that was proved in Kobanî, al-Raqqa and other areas when they fought the largest terrorist organization.
There are no arrests or similar in the real world, Başûr only tries to distort the truth, spreading the fear
The authorities of Başûr Kurdistan published rumors within the Peshmerga Rojava which noted that the People's and Women's Protection Units (YPG and YPJ)arrest who returns to Rojava to prevent the elements who would like to return to their country and join the YPG and YPJ to protect their land, "The authorities of the Başûr region were spreading lies among the Peshmerga about the YPG and YPJ which say that they arrest and assassinate anyone returns to his home, he says " here I am and  no one arrested me and I move freely in the region, I assure everyone that all the lies of the authorities of Başûr  were false. There are many persons from the Peshmerga whom I communicate with and many of them will join the Self-Defense Forces during the next course."
Abandon the lies of the Kurdistan Region, join the Defense and Self-Defense Forces
After Riyad resorted to Rojava, he  joined the Self-Defense Forces and now works as a commander in the Martial Academy of Self-Defense Forces, Riyad demanded through ANHA agency to appeal to the Peshmerga Roj groups to return home and fight terrorism and all other groups that are trying to hit the Kurds' gains and to abandon the lies spread by the authorities of the Kurdistan Region in all fields.

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