human rights watch

söndag 7 oktober 2018

GAPF's press release states the Nobel Prize to Nadia Murad and Denis Mukwege:

GAPF's press release states the Nobel Prize to Nadia Murad and Denis Mukwege:
Time to pay attention to sexual violence in honor culture!
Congratulations to brave Nadia and Denis and also everyone else with civic crimes against sexual violence!
Sara M

Press Release: Nobel Prize winner Nadia Murad clarifies that it is time to pay attention to sexual violence in the horticultural culture
With award-winning Denis Mukwege and Nadia Murad, this year's edition of the Nobel Peace Prize finally sets women's struggle and eradication against sexual violence at the center.
Mukweg's civil courage and courage show that we never get silent in the struggle for all women in the world.
"GAPF is extra proud and grateful that Nadia Murad has been awarded. This confirms GAPF's important struggle for all girls and women's rights that we have fought and still struggle for, and as Nadia has devoted her life for the last 4 years, "says GAPF's founder Sara Mohammad.
Nadia Murad is one of thousands of Yazid, Christian and Muslim girls who were kidnapped and sold as sex slaves when IS occupied the Shengal / Sinjar and Musel areas in northern Iraq in 2014. She managed to fly after three months of torture and rape.
GAPF's wish and hope is that the prize contributes to the Yazid sex slaves, but also the victims of other religious, traditional groups exposed to IS and others in society, being inspired by Nadia to report sexual violence against her and her sisters in her culture. The sexual violence combined with the destructive norms and values ​​of the culture of honor that destroy their lives make them double exposed.
It's about a two-front war with women like the swap of war, where IS is outer enemies. Then we have inner enemies where the raped girls fight against their own relatives. Some of them become honored because they are considered dirty and consumed. Others kill themselves for the same reason.
GAPF hopes that the media will finally pay attention to sexual harassment and rape in the culture of honor, ie to pay attention to the girls who get into squabbling between rapists and their families ready to murder and silence to protect male family members 'honors'.

In conjunction with GAPF's press conference with Nadia Murad in 2016 in Stockholm, we also organized Nadia round table talks with party leaders and group leaders for parliamentary parties and the UN Secretary General. The purpose was to pay attention to Nadia and her companions being exposed to IS beggars, but also to the double exposure that Yazidian girls face because of the culture of honor.
GAPFS requirements were that Sweden would do like Germany - to pick up thousands of girls to process their trauma.
Something that has not yet happened.
The word of the Nobel Prize winner shines through when the Nobel Committee pronounced earlier today:
"We want to send a message that women are used as a weapon in conflict and need protection and that their gangmen must be put to the rescue."
Nadia Murad was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 2016, well aware of the importance of the Nobel Prize. "To me it is more important that women and girls are freed and come back to life," she replied.

It is time to pay attention to sexual violence in the culture of honor!

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