human rights watch

lördag 6 oktober 2018

Jewish Genocide Survivor - Yazidi,

Jewish Genocide Survivor - Yazidi,

In the tough period of history humanity pays precious prices on behalf of survival, it's looks survival but the situation was extreme worst the barbarism of Nazis and the Ottomans wanted to erase the existence of humans same like in modern brainwashed groups like ISIS. Here we have story of a person who helped Yazidi to escape from grip of ISIS

We are all alive and well, standing strong and proud entering this Rosh Hashana with smiles on our faces.

The last years alone have taught me more than my 45 years combined. What were once priorities saw themselves at the bottom of the shelf as I had lost interest in them.

Taking two years away from work for the sake of innocents without working revealed how God took over and filled the blanks with the most amazing blessings in one's business career.

We as a family adopted people of different religious backgrounds, showering them with love and sharing with them our lives as if it were our own family, people we didn't know, people from countries we had never visited.

Tikkun Olam, to repair the world specifically means outside of your people.
We look at ourselves in the mirror today and are at ease with this act of goodness and kindness. We have achieved that mitsva to its fullest.

But every great thing is always accompanied by something just as negative following not far behind.
The person you adopted, regardless of his christian Assyrian background, the one you chose to elevate and love the most and would have sacrificed everything for becomes the negativity that was not far behind.
Why would God chose him to deliver negativity. I would have preferred and expected he chose someone else.

Emotionally, he has instantly assassinated you.
Priorities change that same minute.
You reevaluate everything around you, You reevaluate yourself.
What was once important becomes unimportant. A sort of rape of the soul.
What was taken because of abuse of trust is simply a deposit on a curse waiting to happen for that person.

How does one go from a hero to a zero?

You are forced to relearn life after such deception.
You have one mission: to start from scratch and erase every memory and event involving that person.

The person is of no importance because h becomes your #Hitler, and like Hitler and others who persecuted our people , jews survived the #ovens and pogroms, attempts after attempts to annihilate us and we always came around and rebuilt to greater heights learning lessons and not making the same mistakes, hence the state of Israel.

I decided to start to erase the past. The memory.
God sent us a gift of an opportunity and we understood it was time to move on, far away from unhealthy and envious eyes surrounding us, from evil tongues sadly.

We left on the highest possible note I could have wished and will rebuild based on new standards, around new people with revised priorities.
Financially we are and have been blessed blessed on every front.

Emotionally we enter Rosh Hashana bruised but we are so lucky to have tens of thousands of caring individuals and friends around the world and around us.
A family that is so tight and supportive, loving and caring.
I took time away to take a birds eye view of our lives and decided we needed to change direction.

My most amazing wife and children all concurred and agreed it was the right thing to do. We shall emerge from Rosh Hashana with a new agenda.
May this be the year that you and your family receive all the blessings of health, wealth and happiness. Peace amongst the nations and an end to suffering and dishonesty in this world.
Wishing you life

Steve Maman

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