human rights watch

torsdag 18 oktober 2018

Picture of an ezedie woman who was sold at one of Isis slave auctions. Islamists are the world's worst fascists should be banned throughout the world

Picture of an ezedie woman who was sold at one of Isis slave auctions.
Islamists are the world's worst fascists should be banned throughout the world
"This morning, I think of how hard we struggled to get the genocide recognized, how we succeeded in countries like Britain and how we failed in Sweden. The country that is considered to be the best in humanity. I intend to remind those" fellow men "of their deceive as long as I live, and that I will not believe in a single word about how good they are, ie the betrayers. Do they want me to stop suspending them, they can redo. Do not forget that Christians, Yezidians and Mandans are also expelled from Sweden. Do not forget it. Forgive too long, but I'm in the soul disgusted by this injustice. "

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