human rights watch

onsdag 7 november 2018

US report: Turkey's invasion of Afrin hampered war against IS, attacks on North Syria strengthen its power A report prepared by the chief inspector in the US Congressional confirmed that Turkey's occupation of Afrin and its attacks on Kobanî and Girê Spî would strengthen the capabilities of IS terrorist organization, referring to the violations practiced by the Turkish-backed factions against the civilians in Afrin

US report: Turkey's invasion of Afrin hampered war against IS, attacks on North Syria strengthen its power A report prepared by the chief inspector in the US Congressional confirmed that Turkey's occupation of Afrin and its attacks on Kobanî and Girê Spî would strengthen the capabilities of IS terrorist organization, referring to the violations practiced by the Turkish-backed factions against the civilians in Afrin

A quarterly report to the US Congress said, "The invasion and occupation of Afrin canton has hampered the war against IS organization, pointing out that IS used the two-month period of fighting in North Syria to recruit new members, obtain resources and carry out attacks, while YPG had left the battlefield to fight the Turkish forces in Afrin."
The report, issued by the main US congressional inspector, talked about the bad governance in the areas controlled by the Turkish-backed insurgent groups, such as those in Afrin, stressing that this situation strengthened the power of IS organization and gave its fighters safe havens in the areas outside the Syrian Democratic Forces.
The invasion of Afrin plunged the quiet area into chaos
The report made clear, "The invasion of Afrin, which began on January 20, 2018, led to the displacement of more than 200,000 people and plunged the relatively quiet area into chaos," adding that the militias of the Syrian army (armed factions) supported by Turkey have looted the civilians' property, in addition to the seizure of houses, companies and public buildings for military purposes, and the abduction of the civilians for ransoms.
Turkey has mobilized elements of IS to occupy Afrin
The report added, "The British Independent newspaper mentioned that Turkey has recruited the former fighters of IS to support the operation (the occupation of Afrin), where the People Protection Units (YPG) stopped their military operations against IS organization in Deir ez-Zor because of the urgent need to defend Afrin from the Turkish aggression.
The invasion of Afrin helps the mercenaries and terrorists in Syria
The report noted, "The warnings of the local leaders that the invasion of Afrin will help IS organization and other terrorist groups to regain a foothold in Syria," recalling what the former co-chair of the Democratic Union Party (PYD), Saleh Muslim, published on his account on Twitter in March 2018, "For human rights defenders, slaughter operations is committed in Afrin by IS and its supporters. Do not be silent about it."
The US has called on the two sides, Turkey and the People's Protection Units (YPG) to restraint, but it did not intervene and did not put pressure on Turkey to change its course of action, while the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has threatened to expand the military operations to Manbij, where there are US forces, where the US commanders responded that they would defend themselves if it needed.
The report pointed out that the "new round" of the Turkish occupation's attacks on North Syria to disrupt the campaign of fighting against IS again in the framework of the difficult battles against the Syrian Democratic Forces against the terrorist organization to eliminate the last pockets of IS in Hajin town in Deir ez-Zor, adding that the Turkish army began bombing the border villages near Tel Abyed and Kobanî which led SDF to declare the cessation of hostilities against IS where it issued a statement asking its partners in the International Alliance to show a firm position to deter Turkey from these attacks which aim primarily at supporting IS and advocating it."

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