human rights watch

lördag 15 december 2018

Iranian regime's revolution guard hackers attacked US officials and activists. Latest Iranian regime is focusing on the Internet attack against the Western countries' goals. For some months since the Iranian regime could pay to a Russian hacker to train people in the Iranian terrorist group revolution guard, the first Iranian regime revolution guard would train them to hack all opposition's social media accounts like twitter, instagram, facebook and other social media.

Iranian regime's revolution guard hackers attacked US officials and activists. Latest Iranian regime is focusing on the Internet attack against the Western countries' goals. For some months since the Iranian regime could pay to a Russian hacker to train people in the Iranian terrorist group revolution guard, the first Iranian regime revolution guard would train them to hack all opposition's social media accounts like twitter, instagram, facebook and other social media.
But now Iran wants to attack US officials' computers and those of Iran and Western world activists who criticize the Iranian regime.

Iranian hackers linked to the regime targeted a major phishing attack against US government officials, activists and journalists. It reports the Associated Press (AP) on Thursday with reference to data from the London-based internet security company, Certfa.
The fish fishing attack started while the USA reintroduced sanctions against Iran last month and uses a new technology that circumvent two-factor authentication that Google and Yahoo offer. The fish fishing attack was carried out by the hacker group, Charming Kitten, and was targeted at the victim's private e-mail account.
Hackers working for the Iranian government gathered detailed information about the goals and used these to tailor personal e-mails aimed at the goals, writes Certfa's researcher in a blog post.
These emails contained a hidden image that alerted the hackers in real time when the victims read the messages. The victims were then directed to fake pages that represented Gmail's and Yahoo's security pages. The hackers logged in to the victims e-mail account almost as they entered their passwords on the fake pages.
If the victim had activated two-factor authentication on his e-mail account, they were directed to a new false page that required their one-time password.
13 officials at the US Treasury Department and high-profile individuals who defended, opposed and overseen the implementation of the nuclear agreement were among the hackers' goals. Arab nuclear researchers, Iranian activists and Washington DC think tank employees and US defense companies were also on the hackers list.
"It's probably about finding out what's going on with the sanctions," says Frederick Kagan, a researcher at the thought company, the American Enterprise Institute, who has written about Iranian cyber spying and among the victims.
Kagan also told AP that he was deeply concerned that the attack was aimed at foreign in love experts.
"Most signs point to a serious state-aided operation. It does not look like freelancer, "he added.

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