human rights watch

måndag 3 december 2018

Nisreen Abdullah: Turkey is seeking to create new political, geographic, social situation in region based on chaos, unrest

Nisreen Abdullah: Turkey is seeking to create new political, geographic, social situation in region based on chaos, unrest
Nisreen Abdullah said that Syria had become "a 3rd  World War arena, which is unprecedented war," and that Turkey played a key role in diverting the course of the popular democratic movement. Abdullah referred to the policies of ethnic cleansing and demographic change practiced by the Turkish state in Afrin, pointing out that Turkey seeks to create a new political, geographical and social situation in the region, which is based on chaos and unrest.

At the end of the session, the second session of the World Forum on "Ethnic Cleansing and Demographic Change in Afrin", held under the auspices of Rojava Center for Strategic Studies. The participants will discuss the military aspect of ethnic cleansing and demographic change in Afrin, Dr. Ahmed al-Derzi, a doctor and political activist, Nisreen Abdullah, spokesperson for the Women's Protection Units(YPJ), and Mr. Patrice Francchi, a French military adviser and writer would participate in this axis.

Nisreen Abdullah thanked her comrades in YPJ, who are part of the defense system in northern and eastern Syria, as well as the directors of Rojava Center for Strategic Studies, who gave the opportunity to join this forum, which aims to unite energies and invest them in building a world of peace and justice.

She pointed out that it is no longer a secret that what is happening on the Syrian geography, during the age of this crisis is the result of the accumulation of historical, social, political, and economic crises fabricated by the international regimes dominant by internal and regional factors, which seek to re-arrange the geopolitics of the East Middle East, serving its economic and political interests.

Nisreen Abdullah pointed out that Syria, in the midst of this conflict between the forces of democratic change and regional and international powers, has become a "Third World War Square", in which humanity has never been seen in terms of form, content and purpose.

This is what came in a speech on behalf of YPJ, Nisreen Abdullah:

This geography has brought together a number of contradictions between competing forces, and at all levels, which participated in this war directly or indirectly at the expense of Syrian blood in all its sections and components, especially the weak segments of the community of women and children. It is well known that thousands have become internally and externally displaced persons, thousands of people are missing, dead and wounded not to mention the almost complete destruction of infrastructure may cost more than $ 400 billion according to some official reports and international research and research centers.

Dear Audience
In the midst of this turbulence, Turkey wanted to race everyone to intervene in one way or another in this crisis, and it had the main role in deviating the course of the popular democratic movement in its interests and its objectives, as we see it claims itself as the protector and defender of the Syrian people and sometimes we see it spreading sedition between the components of the Syrian people. Until it came to affiliate the so-called opposition to itself and used it as a tool to conspire, and engage in trade-offs and political bazaars with the rest of the crisis teams on Syrian geography and Afrin was a victim and the result of one of these trade-offs, under which it was flagrantly invaded and occupied, outlawing all international norms and conventions, and the flimsy arguments did not come to reality and truth, but was and still aims to expand as much as possible at the expense of Syrian blood depending on and recovered Ottoman dream in the control of the capabilities of the people as it did in the Iskenderun area, then occupied Azaz, Jarablos and al-Bab and its eye are on Aleppo because of the implications of political and historical and economic evidences and then occupied Afrin after fierce battles with its children, and did not hesitate to threaten to invade east of the Euphrates.
This evidence is crystal clear that the practice of the policy of expansion and aggression, which aims to create a new political, geographical and social situation in the region, based on chaos and unrest, especially that it has recently opened a crossing in Janders district, as if its mouthpiece states: it has become a gain where no rivals exist so it would go on with expansionist policies.
This is in addition to the criminal acts practiced on a daily and systematic basis such as murder, torture, abduction and forced displacement, in order to create a new social structure that violates and contradicts the original social structure through the military apparatus and the agendas of the conflicting forces. The number of civilian martyrs is 335 martyrs and 729 wounded. (937) abductees, 72 of them children who lost their lives as a result of the landmine explosion from September 18, 2018 to September 29, 2018, and the number is increasing as what is hidden is even graver. All these crimes amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity in accordance with international law concerning wars and engagement interior, especially what came in the four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and the Protocols thereto and the protection of cultural property agreements of 1954 and came in the charters of the United Nations.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Following the liberation of Afrin area by the People's Protection Units and the Women's Protection Units (YPG-YPJ) from the Syrian regime's security apparatus, the Turkish state began using extremist jihadist groups to perpetrate attacks on the Afrin region.
In 2013, it launched its first attack on Qustal Jendu village and Azaz through the so-called (Lewa Aseft al-Shemal). In September of the same year, IS mercenaries in alliance with the Islamist groups of the Syrian opposition coalition launched large-scale attacks on Janders area from Deir Belout , Diwa and Jalameh villages, where they continued for almost a month.
As rate of attack on the axis of Sherawa district increased, through the so-called (Lewa al-Tewhid) in Aleppo, which was one of the largest factions affiliated with the so-called Free Syrian Army and one of the most violent attackers in the region also, despite the unequal equipment used but the mercenary groups did not take a step against the resistance of the People’s and Women’s Protection Units. As you know, these attacks were the beginning of the implementation of a plan for expansion and demographic change in the region of Afrin by the Turkish state and its armed Syrian factions on the pretext of protecting Turkish national security.
In June 2013, these attacks were accompanied by a siege imposed on the region by 14 military factions, including the Military and Revolutionary Council, Lewa al-Tewhid, Lewa Jund al-Hermen, IS, the Islamic Freedom Movement, Lewa Asahab al-Yamin, Lewa al-Yarmouk, Lewa Ahrar al-Sheoukh, Seqour al-Sham, al-Nasra.) Since then, it has alternated with the control of its borders, as well as the Turkish state, which was a partner in deepening this blockade.
Turkish soldiers also fired at those who tried to cross the border in search of a safe place or a living. More than 200 civilians were documented as being killed by Turkish border guards, according to human rights sources.

Despite the tight siege, Afrin was a safe haven for hundreds of thousands of displaced people, and from various parts of Syria, who chose Afrin from other areas after they had a safe and participatory life and a diverse social fabric. Afrin took part in its role with them and its potentials, knowing that it had been suffering from a suffocating siege for years. According to the Social Affairs and Labor Body in Afrin region, from 2014 until the date of its occupation, more than 400 thousand displaced persons, including children, the elderly and women had resorted to living in the homes of Afrin and Robar Camp.

The invasion of the Afrin area on January 18- 2018 and its occupation by the Turkish state and its terrorist groups produced many repercussions and a new approach to the suffering of the Syrians, through the forcible resettlement of other Syrian components, which brought with it a great social rift, such dirty policies against the Syrian people, who were transferred from different places in the multi-party political deals with many questions and conclusions to be in a geographical area with a different ethnic character of the original entity.

The Turkish state and its army have resorted to the implementation of their policies with a systematic policy through special war and the most horrible methods, which are contrary to all international laws and norms and all human rights, including:

-The deliberate killing of civilians and the assassination of national figures and mutilation of their bodies to create a state of terror and insecurity.

- Allowing its factions to carry out looting of private and public property and distribute them as war trophies among themselves.

-They have committed shameful and dirty acts in violation of the morals, customs and sanctity of society for those who are still residents of Afrin in a deliberate manner, with the goal of deporting them also through the abduction, rape and murder of their women and young girls.

-Extortion of the parents by kidnapping their sons and torturing them as hostages and demanding huge financial ransoms through the publication of video tapes threatening families to kill them in case of non-payment.

-Destruction and looting of the archaeological and historical monuments of the area with a view to removing the identity of indigenous culture and the imposition of Turkish identity cards as refugees in this region.

-Change of the names of monuments, squares, roads, villages and places to impose the policy of  Turkification and Arabization on the region.

-The imposition of Turkish curricula on all schools and the prevention of the practice of mother language and culture and raise their flags over official institutions.

-Imposition of hijab, Islamic dress, etc forcibly on Afrin women and girls to wear.

-Destruction of religious temples, especially the Yazidi , and forcing Yazidi people to abandon their religion and belief and convert to Islam under the threat of murder.

After all these practices, the Turkish state has not and will not stand idly by in the tragedy of the Syrian people and aim to mix the cards and create new crises that increase the suffering of this people. The people forcibly displaced residing at the internal refugee camps in the areas of al-Shahba and deprived of the basic elements of life are not safe from the Turkish threats and their invasion on the one hand, neither the inhabitants in their regions, villages and cities on the other hand, and so is policy of the other parties which does not seem fruitful in the short-term as if they share roles among themselves to create a situation of instability and insecurity in the region.
Ladies and Gentlemen

In our presentation of the above, even in a brief and intensive manner, we cannot even decide on the suffering of the Syrian people during the age of the crisis, but we wanted to highlight on the policies of the Turkish state and the extent to which they were infected with phobia to whatever is democratic in the region, and its strategic goals by daily practices particularly against our people in Afrin and the rest of the occupied territories, and still continues to practice the worst crimes before sight of the international community and the parties of the crisis as a rogue uncontrollable state. This does not mean that the other parties and forces intervening on the crisis line working for the future the Syrian people or their hands and machine of war did not commit the most terrible crimes.

I would like to note that we are deeply aware of the suffering of hundreds of thousands of women in Afrin and the world. They continue to burn in the concept of a nationalistic and religious state and the acts of terrorist organizations, which are subjected to massacres, rape, captivity, suicide and sexual assault, and there is no deterrent or protector in terms of human rights and security. All of us must join together and cooperate to build and create a legal and human deterrent that includes all means of protection and defense so that we can address all attacks targeting women and the values of democracy. Therefore, we must all harness our energies for peace, security and all peoples.

On this occasion, we cannot but thank all those who have stood by us and continue to support us in our resistance to freedom, peace and human dignity. We will not forget the position of women everywhere in the world, in solidarity with us in the most difficult times and the darkest conditions we have experienced which were a source of morale strength that consolidates our resistance and resolve, and we in turn renew our pledge to follow the approach of protecting women and promoting social justice

Once again I salute you on behalf of our people in the north and east of Syria and on behalf of our defense system YPJ and on behalf of Kurdish women, and I wish you success in your endeavors to serve the best human values."



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