human rights watch

torsdag 13 december 2018

The EU and NATO exist as a result of the aftermath of the Second World War, when Nazism and fascism attempted to exterminate the Jewish people and install their own reign of terror across Europe. The same Western democracies that make up these institutions support Turkey today, even though there is much evidence that Turkey has committed the same sort of atrocities as Nazi Germany once did— genocide, ethnic cleansing, torture, and enforced disappearances.

The EU and NATO exist as a result of the aftermath of the Second World War, when Nazism and fascism attempted to exterminate the Jewish people and install their own reign of terror across Europe. The same Western democracies that make up these institutions support Turkey today, even though there is much evidence that Turkey has committed the same sort of atrocities as Nazi Germany once did— genocide, ethnic cleansing, torture, and enforced disappearances.

Erdogan’s totalitarian rule at home, his expansionist Neo-Ottoman foreign policy, and his determination to support Islamic terrorism in Iraq and Syria are undermining regional security and stability. Turkey is not only behaving in ways that contravene NATO´s charter, but is also challenging the stated values of the EU and the US. Today, we see a NATO state that antagonizes the moral and political principles of the alliance and its members. Judging by those principles alone, Turkey has no place in the alliance.
NATO— and for that matter, the EU and the US— must find the political courage to stop Erdogan from inflicting further harm on our region, and lay ground for a peaceful political solution of the Kurdish question and for reconciliation between all the peoples of Turkey."

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