human rights watch

tisdag 8 januari 2019

Danish hat preacher is deprived of citizenship, Sweden should follow suit.

Danish hat preacher is deprived of citizenship, Sweden should follow suit.
Danish Said Mansour, a terrorist-hatred preacher, has been deprived of his citizenship and has been expelled to Morocco, according to several Swedish media.

The decision is unique but a welcome step that Sweden should follow. Rogue states such as Iran exploit the Swedish goodness and politics' naivety to spread Islamic fundamentalism or spy and threaten critics.

The spokesperson warned recently for the latter, which the steering wheel show's attention yesterday.

Both the government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ignore the growing threat picture from the Iranian regime against Swedish and exile riots and also the clergy striving to spread the word: // their backward ideology starting from Sharia law, in Sweden. This applies to the government today and to previous governments.

The Iranian regime's diplomats and agents engaged in espionage in Sweden and those who preach Iran's Islamic fundamentalism should therefore be identified and expelled from Sweden and deprived of Swedish citizenship in cases where this is the case. Of course, this does not only apply to Iran.

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