human rights watch

måndag 3 maj 2021

Face-to-face exams with Corona examiner ... Students in the ninth and twelfth grades object to holding the exam in person ... They say that just by spacing the benches, this problem cannot be solved. Thousands of students take part in queues and gatherings before and after the exam, and this can create a new wave of coronation ... even if they themselves are resistant, they may pass the disease on to their parents ...


Face-to-face exams with Corona examiner ..

Students in the ninth and twelfth grades object to holding the exam in person ... They say that just by spacing the benches, this problem cannot be solved. Thousands of students take part in queues and gatherings before and after the exam, and this can create a new wave of coronation ... even if they themselves are resistant, they may pass the disease on to their parents ...

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