human rights watch

fredag 7 maj 2021

We want the unconditional freedom of the brothers of َ Afkari


We want the unconditional freedom of the brothers of َ Afkari

The report of the Iran Human Rights Campaign described the latest situation of Vahid and Habib Afkari, the brothers of Navid Afkari, as extremely worrying.

 The dead brothers are the way to freedom of thought in danger of execution by the Iranian religious fascist regime

According to a report released on May 26, Vahid and Habib Afkari were threatened with death in addition to severe torture by judicial officials in the Islamic Republic.

The severity of the torture and the insistence of the judicial authorities to get the brothers to confess to each other had caused Vahid Afkari to commit suicide twice.

According to this report, the Islamic Republic is concerned about the disclosure of the crime against Navid Afkari, of which only these two brothers are the two main witnesses in prison.

The Afkari brothers are spending the eighth month in solitary confinement, subjected to various forms of torture, including physical and psychological torture.

Reports indicate that two high-ranking officials of the Islamic Republic met directly with Vahid Afkari and asked him to provide him with living conditions inside or outside the country by spending a year in prison in exchange for confessing to the murder.

Vahid and Habib Afkari Sangari have been sentenced to long prison terms on charges of moharebeh and participating in the August 1997 protests in Shiraz. Vahid Afkari, a 36-year-old citizen, was sentenced to 25 years in prison and 74 lashes on charges of aiding and abetting Moharebeh, and Habib Afkari was sentenced to 27 years and three months in prison and 74 lashes.

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