human rights watch

onsdag 4 augusti 2021

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's message to the Iranian people that the Islamic Republic of Iran is sometimes compared to North Korea due to economic pressures and Internet censorship:


North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's message to the Iranian people that the Islamic Republic of Iran is sometimes compared to North Korea because of economic pressures and Internet censorship: ‌ I do not know why atheist communists are compared to a handful of superstitious clerics

Hello to the oppressed nation of Iran, I came on the Internet and saw that everyone is comparing the Islamic Republic of Iran with our country, the People's Republic of North Korea, I had to send a message and say that for many reasons, this is wrong! First of all, our country in North Korea does not have compulsory hijab for women, it does not have a water problem, it does not have the inflation of Venezuela, in our country women sing and ride bicycles and dance; In the People's Republic of North Korea, unlike in Iran, drinking is not free and a crime, and unlike Iran, we have only one People's Army, and besides the army, we do not have parallel armed forces like the IRGC and your Basij; In North Korea, we do not have nearly one million free mullahs and students who do nothing and get free money. In our country, everyone works hard to make a living and earn money. Most importantly, the officials of our communist country are not rent-seekers and embezzlers, and their children and families have never lived in the United States, Canada or Europe; There is no mention of religion or the effects of demagogy

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