human rights watch

tisdag 3 augusti 2021

The brutal massacre of a Kurdish family by Turkish racist


The brutal massacre of a Kurdish family by Turkish racist 

"The racist assailants also set fire to their family after the massacre."

Last Friday night, racist Turks massacred seven members of a Kurdish family in the Turkish city of Konya.

Several Turks who had previously been detained for attacking the home of a Kurdish family raided the home of the same family in Konya last night after their release from prison, killing seven members of the family and setting their house on fire.

Abdul Rahman Karablut, the Kurdish family's lawyer, told reporters that "Turkish racist assailants, after their release from prison, attacked the house of the same Kurdish family who had previously been imprisoned for attacking their house, and all members of this "The family of seven, including three women, was massacred."

"The racist assailants also set fire to their family members after the massacre," he added.

The Kurdish family's lawyer stressed that they had repeatedly warned the authorities to prepare for any eventuality, but unfortunately did not take the warnings seriously. Today, all members of this Kurdish family were massacred by racist Turks.

An extremist racist attack was carried out against a Kurdish family in Konya, Turkey, and the fascist racists who carried out the terrorist attack were so full of hatred and anger against the Kurds that they shot each victim in the head after her death! They also wanted to burn their bodies after the accident! The incident left behind angry reactions among the Kurdish people, and created fear and anxiety for them. However, the solutions to this tragic incident do not lie in fear or in feelings and feelings, nor does what we mentioned contribute to preventing the recurrence of such tragic crimes, but we, the Kurds, should Re-calculating everything anew, and thinking seriously and deeply about it, because standing and waiting in the ideological and political field in Kurdistan Turkey - Northern Kurdistan - is really very difficult, and the risks and losses are a result of…

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