lördag 29 februari 2020
How should we protect ourselves against the Wuhan corona virus? Sweden should stop all travelers from those countries infected by the corona virus to Sweden such as Iran, China and also Italy.
How should we protect ourselves against the Wuhan corona virus? Sweden should stop all travelers from those countries infected by the corona virus to Sweden such as Iran, China and also Italy.
Erdogan most dangerous than the corona virus
Erdogan most dangerous than the corona virus
Erdogan went to another country and tried to convince nato to defend the donkey dog. Then when the erdogan got no answer from the eu Turkish idiot started to send refugees to europe so you can watch the movie.
torsdag 27 februari 2020
the corona virus under the imams' turbans. The Iranian regime is trying to hide the corona virus, but the people revealed. today the Iranian regime is trying to send the corona virus to prison
the corona virus under the imams' turbans.
The Iranian regime is trying to hide the corona virus, but the people revealed.
today the Iranian regime is trying to send the corona virus to prison
People with Palestinian backgrounds work with the Iranian intelligence service
People with Palestinian backgrounds work with the Iranian intelligence service
After a long period of research it yielded the results so that unfortunately, almost 95% of the people working within the Swedish authority with Palestinian backgrounds have direct contact with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard intelligence service.
tisdag 25 februari 2020
The Iranian regime's airline mahan is behind the coronavirus spread from China to Iran
The Iranian regime's airline mahan is behind coronavirus spread from china to iran, a week ago mahan airline aware that some carry coronavirus them have not taken action just let them go to iran
they are most dangerous than the coronavirus, everyone should know islamists as dangerous as the coronavirus
they are most dangerous than the coronavirus, everyone should know islamists as dangerous as the coronavirus
söndag 23 februari 2020
Illegal regime of criminal mullahs in Iran should be overthrown
Illegal regime of criminal mullahs in Iran should be overthrown
The current elections have made it clear that the mullahs government is no longer constitutional as more than 70% of people have refused to participate in the regime's false election ,,, greetings to the Iranian people.
يجب الإطاحة بالنظام غير القانوني للملالي المجرمين في إيران
لقد أوضحت الانتخابات الحالية أن حكومة الملالي لم تعد دستورية لأن أكثر من 70٪ من الناس رفضوا المشاركة في الانتخابات الزائفة للنظام ، تحياتي للشعب الإيراني.
Iran stays on terrorism financing blacklist
The decision by FATF to again blacklist the terrorist, religious dictatorship ruling Iran is an extremely necessary, albeit long overdue, step in combatting terrorism and money laundering worldwide…terrorism and warmongering are indispensable to this regime and critical to its survival. It will never abandon financing terrorism and money laundering …The international community must cease offering any assistance to, and refrain from engaging in, any financial transactions with the mullahs’ regime and should stand by the Iranian people and their aspirations for regime change.
The decision by FATF to again blacklist the terrorist, religious dictatorship ruling Iran is an extremely necessary, albeit long overdue, step in combatting terrorism and money laundering worldwide…terrorism and warmongering are indispensable to this regime and critical to its survival. It will never abandon financing terrorism and money laundering …The international community must cease offering any assistance to, and refrain from engaging in, any financial transactions with the mullahs’ regime and should stand by the Iranian people and their aspirations for regime change.
Corona has crippled Iran
Corona has crippled Iran
All land, air and sea borders have been closed by Iran due to the deadly corona virus, and no foreign currency is even lugged. There is a huge humanitarian catastrophe in the country.
Increased number of confirmed cases of coronavirus virus in Iran confirmed to 3 people, 5 deaths
Kianoush Jahanpour, head of public relations at the Iranian Ministry of Health, said that according to the latest laboratory reports, the deaths of 3 people, including 3 in Qom, 2 in Tehran, 4 in Gilan, were confirmed.
"Unfortunately, five people died," he said.
According to Mr. Jahanpour, most cases were still from Qom residents or had a history of returning from Qom in recent days and weeks.
According to statistics released by the Ministry of Health, confirmed cases of coronavirus infections in Iran have been announced, of which five have been reported.
German NTV Channel: Moscow is said to be behind the virus propaganda
German NTV Channel: Moscow is said to be behind the virus propaganda
The US government has accused Russia of being behind a massive intelligence campaign on the Corona virus. US officials told AFP: Thousands of Russian-controlled accounts on online platforms are spreading false theories and conspiracies about the virus, thereby preventing the fight against the disease.
"Russia's goal is to explore divisions and weaken US institutions and alliances from inside through destructive measures," said Philip Reeker, the EU's deputy head of the US State Department. Popular claims that the epidemic is part of the "US economic war against China". American citizens such as Microsoft founder Bill Gates were also targeted by the infamous campaign and accused of developing the disease.
State Department officials emphasized that the current action would not only harm the United States, but most importantly make it harder to fight the virus.
The mullahs are more dangerous than the corona virus. #ayatollahcorona_viruses
The mullahs are more dangerous than the corona virus. #ayatollahcorona_viruses
The religious fascism regime and its security apparatus have carried the Corona virus to Iran in order to prevent the people from fearing the virus, and on the other hand, under the name of the Koruna virus, to kill the internal opposition
fredag 21 februari 2020
Thursday, 202.02.20 This is the criminal record for this system handled in cyberspace! 9 victims of the November massacre in forensics !!
Thursday, 202.02.20 This is the criminal record for this system handled in cyberspace! 9 victims of the November massacre in forensics !!
Iranian religious fascist regime committed for crimes against humanity during protests last year Iranian regime killed more than 5,600 people.
Iranian religious fascist regime committed for crimes against humanity during protests last year Iranian regime killed more than 5,600 people. A source in Iran was revealed so that the Iranian regime killed more than 5,600 people during the Iranian peaceful protests as the Iranian regime raised the gasoline price
lördag 15 februari 2020
One of the Iranian regime revealed that there are many Scandinavian even EU ministers who are salaried from the Iranian regime every month, can Mr Stefan Löven be one of those ministers who are salaried from the Iranian regime?
One of the Iranian regime revealed that there are many Scandinavian even EU ministers who are salaried from the Iranian regime every month, can Mr Stefan Löven be one of those ministers who are salaried from the Iranian regime?
Here the Iranian regime's highest criminal man ibrahim raisi reveals how the Swedish social service cooperated with the Iranian regime against people who have political activists via social media against the Iranian regime, the Iranian regime's criminal man Ibrahim Raisi revealed that the Swedish social service had talks with the Iranian ambassador to plan together to fight against Iranian political activists in Sweden
Here the Iranian regime's highest criminal man ibrahim raisi reveals how the Swedish social service cooperated with the Iranian regime against people who have political activists via social media against the Iranian regime, the Iranian regime's criminal man Ibrahim Raisi revealed that the Swedish social service had talks with the Iranian ambassador to plan together to fight against Iranian political activists in Sweden
söndag 9 februari 2020
Khomeini terrorist suffers from severe mental illness which, He began to arm the Lebanese terror group Hezbullah against Israel. Khomeini began to terrorize the Western world interest, Khomeini was raped by his Koran teacher several times, When he came home and told his mother that Khomeini's Koran teacher usually raped him sharks Khomeini's mother did not dare to ask Khomeini's teacher of the time, because nobody who believes what to talk about a religious pedophile person
Rape in prisons of the mullahs' terrorist regime
The irony of answering religious questions and the mullahs' response to extremist ideasKhomeini terrorist suffers from severe mental illness which, He began to arm the Lebanese terror group Hezbullah against Israel. Khomeini began to terrorize the Western world interest, Khomeini was raped by his Koran teacher several times, When he came home and told his mother that Khomeini's Koran teacher usually raped him sharks Khomeini's mother did not dare to ask Khomeini's teacher of the time, because nobody who believes what to talk about a religious pedophile person
lördag 8 februari 2020
Swedish and exile Iranians mark the 41st anniversary of the 1979 anti-monarchy revolution.
Swedish and exile Iranians mark the 41st anniversary of the 1979 anti-monarchy revolution.
Major protest in Stockholm against the Iranian regime all said yes to overthrow the Iranian Islamic fascist regime ...
update exten…
Swedish and exile Iranians, sympathizers to the Iranian National Resistance Council (NCRI), marked the 41st anniversary of the 1979 anti-monarchy revolution in Iran with a large demonstration at the Mint Market Square in Stockholm organized by the FFFI and its sister associations.
torsdag 6 februari 2020
On 1979 February 11, Sunday came the Iranian terror man who called himself Imam Khomeini.
في عام 1979 في 11 فبراير ، جاء الأحد الإرهابي الإيراني الذي أطلق على نفسه الإمام الخميني. وعد الشعب الإيراني بأن تكون الكهرباء والماء مجانية ولن يدفع أي شخص أي فواتير كهرباء أو فواتير مياه ، كل شيء مجاني لجميع المقيمين الإيرانيين ، ووعد الجميع بالسفر مجانًا داخل البلاد ، فالحافلات مجانية حتى تتمكن من الذهاب بالحافلة داخل مدن إيران. حتى إرهابي الخميني وعد بأن تذهب أموال النفط الإيراني مباشرة إلى منازل السكان. عانى الخميني من الأساطير القوية حتى من المضاعفات القوية ، ثم عندما تولى السلطة ذهب كل شيء إلى الجحيم والاغتصاب ضد السجناء السياسيين بدأ بعد شهرين فقط من تعزيز سلطته في إيران ، وعمليات الإعدام بعد الإعدام في الشوارع الإيرانية. عندما هاجم الزعيم الإيراني المريض والإرهابي الخميني الرئيس العراقي السابق صدام حسين ، وعد الإرهابي الإيراني بتنظيف إسرائيل من الأرض ، وبدأ الإرهابي في تشكيل العديد من المنظمات الإرهابية في الشرق الأوسط في جنوب لبنان بتنظيم جماعة حزب الله الإرهابية اللبنانية ضد إسرائيل. عندما ذهب كل الشعب الإيراني أموال النفط للإرهابيين في بلدان أخرى ، فلن يكون أحد ما وعد به الرجل الإرهابي أن كل شيء كان عكس ذلك
tisdag 4 februari 2020
Khomeini was more dangerous than the Corona virus ,, Khomeini was 100 times more dangerous than the corona virus khomeini murdered executed, tortured. raped hundreds of thousands of political prisoners in iran ,, khomeini as well as ticks, corona virus which more dangerous virus exists in the world existed in khomeini brain
Khomeini was more dangerous than the Corona virus ,, Khomeini was 100 times more dangerous than the corona virus khomeini murdered executed, tortured. raped hundreds of thousands of political prisoners in iran ,, khomeini as well as ticks, corona virus which more dangerous virus exists in the world existed in khomeini brain.
كان الخميني أكثر خطورة من فيروس كورونا ، وكان الخميني أكثر خطورة بنسبة 100 مرة من فيروس الخوروني الذي تم إعدامه وتعذيبه. اغتصبت مئات الآلاف من السجناء السياسيين في إيران ، الخميني وكذلك القراد ، فيروس الإكليل الذي يوجد أكثر خطورة في العالم موجود في دماغ الخميني
söndag 2 februari 2020
Today marks the 41st anniversary of Khomeini's dangerous virus arrival in Iran.
Imam virus com to iran to killing iranian people
Today marks the 41st anniversary of Khomeini's dangerous virus arrival in Iran.
41 years of terror, death, destruction & corruption in #Iran is his legacy
Today it is 41 years since Khomeini arrived in Iran. 41 years of global terrorism, death, devastation and corruption.
Islam Alloush - Former spokesman for Jaysh al-Islam - one of the more brutal Turkey-backed jihadist groups - which, like ISIS advocates theocracy - is imprisoned and charged in France for recruiting child soldiers, torture, kidnapping and murder. One of the few people who have been part of what the Western world previously called "moderate rebels" against whom it has been prosecuted.
Islam Alloush - Former spokesman for Jaysh al-Islam - one of the more brutal Turkey-backed jihadist groups - which, like ISIS advocates theocracy - is imprisoned and charged in France for recruiting child soldiers, torture, kidnapping and murder.
One of the few people who have been part of what the Western world previously called "moderate rebels" against whom it has been prosecuted.
Kurdish - Jewish Kingdom of Adiabene-
Kurdish - Jewish Kingdom of Adiabene-
The history of Judaism in Kurdistan is ancient. The Talmud holds that Jewish deportees were settled in Kurdistan 2800 years ago by the Assyrian king Shalmaneser Ill (r. 858-824 BC). As indicated in the Talmud, the Jews eventually were given permission by the rabbinic authorities to convert local Kurds. They were exceptionally successful in their endeavor.
Many Swedish and exile Iranians demonstrated against the Iranian regime's Hijab seminar yesterday, Saturday, February 1, 2020.
Many Swedish and exile Iranians demonstrated against the Iranian regime's Hijab seminar yesterday, Saturday, February 1, 2020.
Attached is a photo album of the demonstration against the Iranian Embassy's seminar in support of Hijab in Sweden.
The mullahs' criminal regime has prepared many graveyards in a suspicious manner, and it is possible that under the name of the Corona virus, it would kill political prisoners and detainees of the recent uprising and the Korona virus for a gruesome crime that would result in a dirty murder in Iran. It is trying to excuse the Corona virus for genocide in Iran, especially for political prisoners warning iranian islamic fascist regime want to make massacre in iran against political prisoner.. #mullahsregimecriminal
WARNING The Iranian mullah's criminal regime, under the Corona virus name, tries to kill all political prisoners and say they had the corona virus. Iranian Islamic fascist regime planned to launch a new massacre in Iran against political prisoners.
Mullah's criminal regime has prepared many cemeteries in a suspicious manner, and it is possible that under the name of the Corona virus, it would kill political prisoners and prisoners from the recent uprising and the Corona virus for a horrific crime that would lead to a dirty murder in Iran. . It is trying to name a new genocide in Iran under the Corona virus, especially against the political prisoners we warn the international human organization for warning the Iranian-Iranian Islamic fascist regime that wants to massacre Iran in political prisoners .. #mullahs regime crime.. #mullahsregimecriminal
تحذير يحاول نظام المجر الإيراني الإجرامي ، تحت اسم فيروس كورونا ، قتل جميع السجناء السياسيين ويقول إن لديهم فيروس كورونا. يخطط النظام الإيراني الفاشي لإطلاق مذبحة جديدة في إيران ضد السجناء السياسيين.
أعد نظام الملا الإجرامي العديد من المقابر بطريقة مشبوهة ، ومن الممكن أنه تحت اسم فيروس كورونا ، فإنه سيقتل السجناء السياسيين والسجناء من الانتفاضة الأخيرة وفيروس كورونا لجريمة مروعة من شأنها أن تؤدي إلى جريمة قتل قذرة في إيران. . إنها تحاول تسمية إبادة جماعية جديدة في إيران تحت فيروس كورونا ، خاصة ضد السجناء السياسيين الذين نحذرهم من المنظمة الإنسانية الدولية لتحذيرها النظام الفاشي الإسلامي الإيراني الذي يريد مذبحة إيران في سجناء سياسيين.
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