human rights watch

måndag 22 maj 2023

first episode what is LVU law? why did they LVU the law called a long-term planning . Because always in the western world they plan for 50 and 70 years ahead. if you think it is not true contact me and give better information that can be believed.


The LVU law was created in 1990 to protect Sweden against immigration or foreigners, in 1990 there was a discussion between the politicians, some believed that immigrants have grown up and they can give birth to more children and can occupy
Sweden in the future.

first episode what is LVU law sweden and scandinavia? why did they LVU the law called a long-term planning . Because always in the western world they plan for 50 and 70 years ahead. if you think it is not true contact me and give better information that can be believed.. LVU is a law called the children's kidnapping law,

 first episode what is LVU law? why did they LVU the law called a long-term obstacle planning.

Because first episode what is LVU law? why did they LVU the law called a long-term obstacle planning.

Because always in the western world they plan for 50 and 70 years ahead. if you think it is not true, contact us and provide better information.

.My suggestions for those who lost their children should not run after Geroge and friend what they say make your own plan not here so they, just want to do things for you to do nothing else, you have no problem from their home country turned to his country, do you have problems with your own home country then make another plan find another way to get a good results plan a future rich plan.

What is the LVU law?

  What is the LVU law? who made this law and why did the politicians make this law? after a long discussion in the Riksdag and the politicians' concern about immigrants and Sweden's future, also Scandinavia's future, when they decided on 1990.03.08 that the law LVU should work.

A little history about refugees.

1917 when there was a revolution in Russia and in Germany it was socialist nationalists had power.. Then hitler started the war against russia also against france, other part of European countries finally hitler lost the war and buried the power of the nazis. The struggle of the socialists became stronger Russia took Poland and half of Germany the West had no other chance to fight against the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Union became stronger, the Soviet Union took Poland and also half of Germany and the West could not have military fights against the Soviet Union then turn via temporarily called humanity and democracy and freedom of expression, pluralism and opened the doors to the refugees. After the 2nd world war there were two political struggles between the western world and the eastern world, between the communist and capitalist system. The USA, with the help of the UN, made a fight called humanitarian aid and those countries had to accept refugees for 3 different goals, first they would prove that they are with humanity and against the dictatorial system in the Eastern world.

In 1979, the West helped Khomeini to take power in Iran. Then after a 3 year Iranian Islamic revolutions started the war between Iran and Iraq, In Iran the regime started executing people

in the open street, many managed to escape from iran and sought political asylum in the western world, also many fled from iraq and other countries partly due to political problems and a large part due to economic difficulties when they sought asylum in the western world especially scandinavian countries such as Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland. Also Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, France and all other EU countries.

. until 1990, the LVU law did not exist, but after the defeat of the Soviet Union in 1990, the EU, especially in Sweden, the Riksdagen made a law that called the LVU a long-term planning against the refugees in their country because they were worried that the refugees would become the majority and occupy their country.

especially in Sweden.

  After this year, many EU countries gave permission to racist and xenophobic organizations to enter their parliament. When the Soviet Union ended, many EU countries hoped to make Russia a small country and divide as they want, because they did not want a strong Russia. near their border. Then after 1990 the Soviet Union totally destroyed by the Yeltsin, After Gorbachev an alcoholic man came to power in Russia named  ,Boris Yeltsin and brought Russia to almost the third country in the world in terms of military. And Vladimir Putin and the Russian armed forces realized this danger and began to reorganize and rebuild the Russian army again.

LVU law was obtained after several months of discussions between the politicians they found a good way to force the refugees to leave the country because they know everyone loves their children if they would use this law to suppress the refugees so they can win in the long term against the refugees' future in the country. They pick children from families that are alcohol-free, drug-free, even smoke-free, according to information from various parents, many of the children sell sex thieves and take drugs, it is a political decision to make the children like that.

A girl told me a few days ago that they were taken care of by social services when she was 8 and her sister was 11 years old when she said where they were placed a woman said when you turn 14 and 15 you can sell sex to older men they pay well the sum and you can become rich because you can open your own business. Another man told the girls you can sell drugs also take drugs you will be very good and popular in our society, you can then have your own dog cat pet, the same girl told me that the man sometimes played with her breasts she disliked, but the man threatened she would refuse, so report to social services and social services can place you on sis.

And right now the war in Ukraine is part of the western world's plan. We know today there is a dictatorial system in the eastern world, This book writes things, but they do different things LVU, Before they did refugee receptions to be able to win against the socialist struggle then when the socialists' fight ended, when they planned a new plan that you see today and they fixed the LVU law to be able to use this law against the refugees, who were sure that the Soviet Union would collapse in the near future.

On 8/03/1990 this law was established to prevent children and the increase of refugees. This law was established for the collapse of refugee families living in Sweden.

The LVU law did after they knew the Soviet Union would prefer. Consequently, this law was established to break up refugee families and prevent refugee children from growing up and becoming something in the future from entering their country. The LVU law was made to stop immigration raised in Sweden and Scandinavia, They believe that in the future immigrant children can become the majority in Sweden and the Swedish people become the minority, therefore the politicians became worried when they saw immigrants in Sweden became 350,000 people in 1990. They took several days of discussion since they had contact with the ruling country called big brother..

  They saw the soviet union completely destroyed and they considered that the threat has decreased, They planned to present a law that could use this law against immigrants in Sweden,, in 1990 Swedish politicians believed that foreigners will occupy the country in the future. Because they planned to put forward a legislative proposal in order to be able to use the law that was called the obstacle of the future, or obstacle law.

Then on 1990.03.8 the politicians decided that the law called LVU that the law should be carried out in society, Today this law is used as family torture also torture of children. my friends have 5 letters that the responsible authority sent letters to the preschool to treat the child badly because the parents protest then they can open an investigation against the family and finally they can take the children from the family.

I will say one thing social workers sometimes innocent because what she or he would say to a person it is a political decision if she or he doesn't do exactly what their boss wanted so they can be principle the lvu law is a right gave orders to child kidnappings, the lvu law is a weapon to fight against foreigners growing up in the country so that the origanal people would be in the majority not in the minority. Even the LVU law a weapon to disperse and separate the families, According to a story from a woman that Social Services kidnapped her children, social workers have told her if you should report your husband to the police and jail him then we can return your children, another woman also told if you divorce your husband you may have the right to live with your children. if they don't win this way send letters to preschools and schools so that they would beat the child or rape the children in order to open investigations against the family then kidnap the children from the family. A large part of social workers themselves suffer from strong mental illness, those who abuse power are called power abusers, or law abusers according to my experiences.Today the social service does 2 different deals 1 deals with dictatorial countries against people who live here as refugees and have contact with the social service, 2 they do child trafficking so you can call it human trafficking in modern times. today there is strong evidence sexual trafficking one of the things that the FBI revealed in 2020.Social services lie all the time,

When the social service would not win against you, then the police contact to blacklist the person so that they cannot get a job.  When they want to convince their lawyers and would find things against the families. They try to cause trouble with the family.

  your child difficult to set boundaries.

  Why your child eats like that, When they can't find anything with the families then they turn to the school and demand the school and the probation school to beat or mistreat the children so that the families can complain and they can open an investigation against the family and file a report of concern against the family.

above all when the families who meet them try to insult and despise the family with inappropriate verbal attacks on the family.

If they would not win against the family then turn to the police and put the person on a black list who has committed a crime so that the person cannot get a job so the Social Security registers you with the police between 10 and 20 years as a crime.

  then when they have received the letter from the police they send the letter to all employers in the county to prevent the person from being able to find a job.

One more thing if the person were to be in the education, internship, then they send sick reputation letters to the person responsible for degrading the person's personality, 2017 March 21, 2017 letter from the social welfare to Jula which is signed by the person's name.

2016 October sent a letter but not the same person another person to a job help also the education center letter is available with the person's name and signature.

The politicians were worried that immigrants would become too many in the future, they would become the majority and the Swedish population would become a minority and they would occupy Sweden in the future. because, after a long discussion between various politicians in Sweden, they brought up the LVU law, which is called the obstacle law. What is obstacle law? the obstacle law uses to pick all the foreign children who are good so to hurt them by taking those children to another place where rape them and teach them to take drugs and then they have no chance of winning become anything in the future.

Sweden has been a country of immigration since the 1930s. After the Second World War and until the mid-1970s, Sweden had mainly labor immigration. In recent years, wars and conflicts in the world have had a greater impact on immigration to Sweden

Which immigrants came to Sweden during the 1990s and why?

Immigration and emigration 1970–1989 and projection 1990–1991

The number of immigrants has varied from year to year and you can see the big peaks with labor immigration in the late 1960s, refugees from, among others, Iran in the late 1980s and from Yugoslavia in the early 1990s. During the 1990s, the number of immigrants increased and reached the highest level ever. became more than 4 hundred thousand people and therefore the politicians worried about immigrants being able to occupy Sweden in the future, because after several days of discussion they could find a good way to fight against immigration in Sweden and it was the LVU law that can save Sweden in the future that's what a senior politician in Sweden said in 1990.

In recent years, many have immigrated from other countries. This has led to an increase in those born abroad. In 2022, over 2 million people were born abroad, which is 20 percent of the population.The social service conducts child trafficking in Sweden

DEBATE. Most parents never get their LVU-placed children home, writes Eva Schwarzvogel in this debate article.

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I am a mother who wants to draw your attention to what reality looks like for the families whose children have been taken by social services according to LVU.

I can testify to the lack of legal certainty in the court that prevails when an LVU case is brought up.

The social service can claim anything about the parents, the children and the family's situation without anyone outside reviewing these claims, producing evidence or requesting facts.

The court, with a legal expert and a number of jurors without the necessary competence, makes decisive and irrevocable decisions. The courts go completely by what the social services have written - they refuse expert witnesses, for example doctors and child psychologists, to participate.

When you as a parent then want to bring your beloved children home, you are faced with a compact wall of mistrust and rejection from social services and the court. It is the social service that has the veto and if they do not want to cooperate with the parents, they will never get their children back again.

Most parents never get their LVU-placed children home.

The parents can make a so-called take-home request, which means they want their children back. In the case of a request to be taken home, the social service conducts an investigation where in 99 percent of cases they keep the children at LVU. This investigation takes approximately four months. If the social service doesn't think the children should be allowed to come home, the court doesn't think so either.

It doesn't matter what changes the parents have made or whether you are prepared to do everything the social service asks. It doesn't matter if the reason why social services took the children is gone or if the children themselves just want to come home to mom and dad!

It is frighteningly easy to get rid of your children and impossible to get them back unless social services are involved. Is this really how the Social Services Act and the Convention on the Rights of the Child are meant to be interpreted and practiced?

Is it really the state's intention and goal with LVU that children and parents should be separated forever? What do you think this does to people and their health?

When I was growing up, social services were something you turned to if you needed help or support. Now the social service is a ruthless apparatus of power that actively works to search for children and map families. Coercive measures come first, not as a last resort.

The social service operates a child trade in Sweden with children who are taken from their real parents and placed via for-profit groups in family homes and institutions. Unfortunately, it is also a well-known fact that many children fare badly in family homes and in state institutions.

I am calling for a factual and transparent debate about this problem area within the social services as well as understanding for those who end up in this situation and the children who lose their real parents.

Eva Schwarzvogel

Mother of three children.

The Lvu law is a child trafficking law that legalizes the buying and selling of children.

Pedofiling rules LVU child care according to Ove Svidén

Pedophiles and Satanists control the forced adoption of children by illegal means.

Pedophiles and Satanists control the forced adoption of children by illegal means


In Sweden, the authorities separate more than 30,000 children from their parents each year. In most cases, there are no legally valid reasons for it. But a mafia of municipal social workers, "experts" and administrative court judges allow this torture treatment of children and parents, as they are controlled with illegal methods by criminal pedophile networks and Satanists.

Sweden has lost several times before the Court of Human Rights regarding wrongful decisions to take children from their parents. But Sweden is completely ignoring the court's rulings, even though Sweden has an obligation to do so. Pedophiles are preferred over children's rights.

The legislator must prohibit forced custody of children completely, when the abuse has become too great. Instead, a social worker must be sent into the family to monitor that children do not get hurt.

Also read on the wake:

The Lvu law is a piece of legislation that gives pedophiles the right to buy children via social services. The Lvu law is a piece of legislation that legalizes pedophiles to sexually exploit children.

When they plan to take children from their biological family. first they start via school and preschool.

the social services play a double role, which is called double moral role playing one group talks to the families, and one group has contact with the school so that they mistreat the children so that the children tell their parents and the parents complain to the school, so as to open a good way so that they social services can take the children from the family.

Social services in Sweden create the various groups already mentioned above. They form different groups to hurt parents at work, places of education, even if they go to school, where they try to pay others to hurt the parents by bullying the parents,

why do they do this Because they want to succeed as good people so that they can cause mental illness to foreigners through the groups they have created, so that the parents are pressured in different ways.

the social service sends harmful rumors against the parents to workplaces, educational places even if the parents go to school also sends harmful rumors against the parents.

why do they do this Because they want to succeed as good people so that they can cause mental illness to foreigners through the groups they have created, so that the parents are pressured in different ways

In April 2018, Madeleine sent a letter to Jenny and demanded that she do everything possible for the four children so that the social services can take the children from their families.

Another person named Charlotte sent a letter to a foreign woman who was working at the time through a preschool.

in the letter it says and she demanded H, m to invite pedophiles to be able to rape the children.

   she wrote to Marie and said if you cannot succeed in this way, then you can kill the children,

  she also demanded that they kill the children

According to my experience 70% of the social services are exposed and mistreated during childhood because they get happy when other families are avenged and mistreated, everyone I met with had such problems and only wanted to offend and despise others. This means that between 60 and 70 percent of social service employees were mistreated during childhood and had a long period of bullying. several of them have been sexually exploited during childhood because they have very short stobin and poor patience






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