human rights watch

torsdag 11 september 2014

On September 11/9/ 2001 a day to the outside world to know Islam and Islamic extremist terrorists.

On September 11/9/ 2001 a day to the outside world to know Islam and Islamic extremist terrorists. 
Today what is happening in Iraq and Syria especially genocide against the Kurdish Yazidi it's time to wake up the rest of the world .
You are not a Muslim so you have no right to live. 

  those who are not Muslim have two options to become a Muslim to live otherwise have been killed be it's the word of Allah, that is in the Islamic Sharia Law.
Today it is 13 years since the attacks on the World Trade Center happened. September 11, 2001 you all know it. Tomorrow SVT have a memorial where they talk about September 11, the day that changed the world. I will talk about how the terrorist attacks changed / influenced Muslims, but Muslim means terrorists living. 

right now the outside world to know how Muslims are dangerous to the outside world democracy, against freedom and against society. 
  Actually, I find this whole talk with Islamic terrorism and T is so trite that I do not even want to bring it up anymore. You will understand what I am referring to tomorrow. Do not know if it's one or number two, but probably one !! Then check out! 
Ten years ago, Islamic terrorists attacked the United States, killing more than 3,000 people. 
they are terrorists killing and torturing people they have made human rights violations.
there is a video that the terrorists kill Kurds if you can not or do not want to see the total offense look not, but what can you do but to show what the terrorists are doing, we have heard that people like hats Kurds sent money to terrorists to kill Kurds ... it's about the terrorists who killed 10 thousand Kurdish Yazidi in Shengal and Sanjar in Kurdistan. 
Who is the terrorist and what terrorism means really? 

those who want to hurt another human being physically or mentally is a terrorist 

it is not the fanatics as terrorists, we have two different terrorists physical and mental terrorists .. physically the terrorists who bomb or suicide bomber is a terrorist or anyone who wants to harm a person with a knife or other weapon is physically terrorist. 

those who try to hurt mentally or offend others is also a terrorist. 

it to curry against a person or trying to bluff and put everything his sjölv flaws on others is the terrorist, but primarily he or she is sick (mental illness), it does not so healthy people, it is only those who are ill and have poor självför believers do so to others. 

there are people around when he does something wrong then he puts his failure on others, when he says so fyfan it is you who said that it was or it was so .. 

t, for example when you want to talk about something others do not show respekter for others, he says, so you can keep quiet now, I want to talk,, then he has to wait to get the same answer as he does against other,, it can be also called tort ,, the showing not respekter for others first, he shows not respekter for himself .. 

well it depends on,, maybe the person has poor self-esteem. drugs can only cause of and addiction are major problems in human life ... 

I'll translate everything also on five different language as I can .. I have ten different web part is about evidence and,,, little different,, the only four språkt Persian, Kurdish, Arabic and English, then I can write too soon the Swedish,,,, but this may be only three language Swedish, Persian and Kurdish as my mders language .. will write more about terrorists here and tell you more soon 


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