human rights watch

lördag 11 oktober 2014

MUST WATCH very very important thing about the situation and the conflict between isis and kurds and the rest of the world

MUST WATCH very very important thing about the situation and the conflict between isis and kurds and the rest of the world
Please the peaceful and the real humans and the real supporters of humanity sign this and tell the other supporters and friends to also do so. . You can save lives you can save your future you can help you brothers and systers by sign Officially arm the People's Protection Unit (YPG) of Syria to defend ISIS from destroying the Kobane community. it will take max 3 minutes for you to sign this help you kurdish brothers to fight back these Isis subhumans and killers who want to destory this world
Enter this site and sign please Thank you ! YPG With American weapons = many goatfuckers .YPG/YPJ are holding back isis right now in kobani with old russian weapons and they have to kill isis to get ammo its 1700 ypg fighters vs 10000 subhumans bloodsuckers . half of these kurdish fighters are girls and they are still fighting back isis if you want to do something good sign this please !. You dont want these isis back in europe so help to destroy them !!

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