human rights watch

torsdag 1 januari 2015

ISIL threat to Kurdish Female Fighters

ISIL threat to Kurdish Female Fighters
- Colonel Nahida Rashid says the jihadis have issued a marriage threat.
- Commander of the 2nd Battalion Peshmerga Female says she is not afraid and has vowed that she and her troops will 'clean her land of dirty ISIL' jihadist
- If an an ISIL fighter gets killed by a women, they will not go to Paradise.


ISIL jihadis have threatened to forcibly marry any female fighters they manage to capture in a message delivered to the PKK and the Peshmerga fighters.

Colonel Nahida Rashid, commanding officer of the 2nd Battalion Peshmerga Female, 'The message said that whenever they catch any woman fighters, they will marry them,' she explains. 

Colonel Rashid says she and her troops have other ideas and revealed that she has asked fighters to keep a spare bullet or an explosive belt in case of capture.

'I have told all my frontline soldiers to keep one bullet in their pocket in case they are captured,

So far, Colonel Rashid and her fighters have not needed to use their spare bullets, she says that PKK [Kurdistan Worker's Party] soldiers fighting in the Syrian town of Kobane have fighted until their last blood and praises their bravery.

'Last month, one of the PKK fighters found herself alone and surrounded by Islamic State fighters, after two of her friends had been killed. She blow herself up rather than let them capture her.'

The Kurdish forces are famous for its use of female soldiers, In Kerkuk 'you can see female fighters of PKK and Peshmerga whom battle alongside their male counterparts on the frontline against ISIL.

As a result, they are on the sharp end of the fight against the Islamic State who, according to Colonel Rashid, are particularly terrified of women fighters because they believe that men dispatched by women won't go to Paradise.

'ISIL are real hypocrites,' she sniffs, disdainfully. 'They think if they are killed by women fighter, they aren't going to heaven.'

'They want to make us submissive but they are afraid of us so they are real hypocrites.'
'When the enemy comes, you have a gun in your hand and you have to fight. If you run back, they will kill you. If you don't fight, they will kill you. You have to fight to survive.'

But if ISIL hope that their threats of forced marriage will make Colonel Rashid and her fighters rethink their participation in battle, she has a stern message for them - ''we will find you and when we do, we will kill you.''

'It is a huge tragedy for me to see humans, in the 21st Century, torturing and beheading people like ISIL do,' she adds. 'Until the day I die, until the last drop of my blood, I will fight for Kurdistan.''

What's more, she says, she has no shortage of volunteers willing to join her force - including her own 10-year-old daughter. 

'She is just 10 but she wants to become a women fighter on the frontline,' she chuckles. 'She says she wants to take revenge on ISIL for all the bad things they have done to innocent people in middle-east.'

One who feels the same is a 22-year-old fighter named Sevres. A newcomer to frontline life, she says she is hugely proud of her land (Kurdistan) and will fight to defend it whatever the cost.

Ominously, she adds: 'I am so happy that I am going to defend my Kurdish land until the last drop of blood on my body. We are going to clean the place of dirty ISIL.' 

She too has little time for ISIL and describes their thoughts on female fighters as 'freakish', saying that along with her friends. 

'I feel very sad about the things they [ISIL] do and the threats they have made against defenceless minorities. Let them come and fight real soldiers. She vows as she shows a explosive belt, ''Before blowing myself up, I'll make to bring them to hell along with me!''

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