Kurdish Youth of YPS (old:YDGH) killed 4 turkish special police in a RPG7-Attack in Sirnak
4 turkish special police were killed tonight,vehicle destroyed, DIHA reporting.
Since months turkish terrorist army/special police cant see victory against 100-150 kurdish youth of YPS.(with 15k army and tanks) . YPS killing since months turkish highranked soldiers and special police members. Terrorist turkey cant fight kurdish YPS because of that, they killing all day kurdish civilians , kids,babys,mothers and and and... but kurdish TAK coooming back and turkish citys will pay for killed civilians
YDGH is called from now on YPS.
Picture: Fighters of YPS-Şırnak
YPS = Yekîneyên Parastina Sivîl (Civil Protection Units)
Since months turkish terrorist army/special police cant see victory against 100-150 kurdish youth of YPS.(with 15k army and tanks) . YPS killing since months turkish highranked soldiers and special police members. Terrorist turkey cant fight kurdish YPS because of that, they killing all day kurdish civilians , kids,babys,mothers and and and... but kurdish TAK coooming back and turkish citys will pay for killed civilians
YDGH is called from now on YPS.
Picture: Fighters of YPS-Şırnak
YPS = Yekîneyên Parastina Sivîl (Civil Protection Units)

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