human rights watch

torsdag 28 december 2017

Shi’ite isis terrorist Militias which is part of the Iranian Revolution Guard in iraq Shell Kurdish Villages Near Tuz Khurmatu

Shi’ite isis terrorist  Militias which is part of the Iranian Revolution Guard  in iraq Shell Kurdish Villages Near Tuz Khurmatu.

The Turkmen Shi’ite militias within Hashd al-Shaabi shelled the Hanjira mountain range, which includes Kurdish villages near Tuz Khomatu district, south of Kirkuk Province, Kurdish activists and witnesses said on Thursday.
At least three artillery forces of the Turkmen militia shelled last night the areas behind the Hanjira mountain range where Kurdish villages are located. There are 50 Kurdish villages along the mountain range.
However, no reports of civilian casualties are available.
The artillery shelling by the Hashd al-Shaabi militias has spread fear among the civilians living in the areas near the mountain range. Moreover, many displaced Kurdish families from the district of Tuz Khurmatu are also living in those areas. 
After the events of October 16 and the violent takeover of the disputed territories by the Iraqi forces and Hashd al-Shaabi militias, thousands of Kurdish families in the disputed areas were forced to flee their homes, mainly in Tuz Khurmatu. Hundreds of houses and properties of the Kurds were looted and destroyed.

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