human rights watch

söndag 4 februari 2018

Some anti-Semitic politicians in Sweden write about those who do not like Islamists it's healthy ?? but those who are blind do not look at how Islamists crash people how Islamists rape women and girls .. ?? they are businessmen they use their theories against others and collaborate with criminal and dictatorship countries

Some anti-Semitic politicians in Sweden write about those who do not like Islamists it's healthy ?? but those who are blind do not look at how Islamists crash people how Islamists rape women and girls .. ?? they are businessmen they use their theories against others and collaborate with criminal and dictatorship countries-
in swedish
En del av anti semetiska politiker i Sverige skriver om dem som gillar inte islamister det är hälsosam?? men dem är blinda tittar inte på hur islamister halshugger människor hur islamister våldtar kvinnor och flickor.. ?? de är affärsman dem använder sina teorier mot andra och samarbetar med kriminella och diktaturiska länder

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