Radical preachers islamists scare obedience, moral policemen guard women and children from preventing children from playing other faiths.
In a unique Swedish study, researchers from the Defense College have investigated the influence of salafism and Salafist jihadism in Sweden.
- This is a first step towards getting a good overall picture of these environments. But more research is needed on these issues. Politics and society should understand how these environments affect Swedish social development, says terrorist researcher Magnus Ranstorp, one of the rapporteurs. "
Controversial Islamism stronger than before
SWEDEN Salafism, a fundamentalist focus on Islam, has grown stronger in Sweden, according to a new report. In several places in Swedish cities, salafists nowadays affect everyday life through pressure and threats.
Radical preachers scare obedience, moral policemen guard women and children from preventing children from playing other faiths.
In a unique Swedish study, researchers from the Defense College have investigated the influence of salafism and Salafist jihadism in Sweden. According to the report, the environments have grown strong in several places in Swedish cities.
The number of violent Islamists has declined to about 2,000 in less than a decade, and the number of salafists is counted according to the researchers in tens of thousands. Strong social ties exist between actors from their respective environments, and anti-democratic currents are strong.
"They are against democracy, they are against participation in society, they affect children in Koran schools, they have invited preachers with anti-Semitic and homophobic expressions. It crashes with the Swedish value base and democratic rights and rights, "says Magnus Ranstorp, one of the report authors.
Black and white ideology
According to the researchers, a small group of radical ministers divided the country between themselves. Some share direct violence-based views, and have, for example, honored IS.
Several local communities describe how there is an impact. The Salafists put pressure on other Muslims to become more radical and embrace their faith. They have clear criteria about what is required to live as a "real Muslim". Muslims who refuse to risk being harassed. Children are taken from early school in Koran schools and learn to avoid mixing with the opposite sex. Moral policemen watch how women and children get dressed and comprehensive clothing is practiced far down the ages.
"It's a very black and white ideology. They divide the world into what is pure and what is unclean, what is halal and haram, allowed and forbidden. They restrict other people's freedom and rights, "says Ranstorp.
A failure
The report emphasizes that both salafism and salafism jihadism constitute a minority in Sunni Islam and do not represent Muslims as a group. But it still poses a threat, not least because it can be a gateway to Islamist radicalization and recruitment to jihad. The researchers point out that Sweden had both a relatively high proportion of traveling to jihadist groups abroad and two terrorist attacks on Drottninggatan in Stockholm in less than ten years.
- Ideology fills a vacuum in segregated areas. At the same time, in Sweden, we have a lack of knowledge about these issues. It's a failure that we did not understand the problem but also that we did not get it, "says Magnus Ranstorp.
Both school and social services have difficulty understanding the issue, and law enforcement agencies consider it beyond their powers when it is not criminal activity, researchers say.
Facts: Unique study
Salafism and Salafic Jihadism have developed and grown strong in several places in Swedish cities.
The main focus is on other non-Salafist Muslims and minorities.
Impact is expressed in the form of honorary culture, gender segregation, anti-Semitism, homophobia and pressure not to associate with non-salafists.
Radical preachers return to depressing messages of, among other things, women, Jews, non-believers, and integrating into Swedish society.
Salafists are also strong in social media where they work to widen the number of recruits and followers.
A total of 70 people, mainly within the police, social services or other municipalities, have been interviewed from different locations in Sweden.
The study was conducted by the Swedish Defense College on behalf of the Swedish Civil Protection and Emergency Agency.
Source: Between Salafism and Salafist Jihadism, Defense College
Facts: Examples of Impact
Some examples from the report on how salafists affect everyday life:
In Gävle, the salafists put pressure on other Muslims to become more radical and embrace their beliefs. They have clear criteria about what is required to live as a "real Muslim". Muslims who refuse to risk being harassed.
In Borås, young people from early age are placed in Koran schools and learn to avoid mixing with the opposite sex. Individual students do not drink school water and may not paint watercolor because the water is "Christian".
In Västerås, religious influence is mixed with crime. "It can be a bunch of guys coming into the grocery store. If the cashier does not get bored, they take what they want without paying, they call the cashier for svennehora and spit on her," reports a police in the report.
In Eskilstuna, salafists guard how women and children get dressed. Coatings are practiced far down the ages.
In Gothenburg, salafists in the last election invited others not to vote because it was "haram" (forbidden). "They said that on the day of judgment you will be able to answer all the stupid politicians if you vote. They stood at ballrooms in Hammarkullen, Hjällbo and Lövgärdet." At a ballroom was waved with an IS flag, "says a local official.
In Arlöv, children have "played IS" at preschools and also expressed that they do not want to play with children of other beliefs when they are considered "unclean".
In Halmstad there is a radical minister who declared that the terrorist attack against Paris in January 2015 was a major lie and called homosexuality for a virus.
In Örebro, women have been checked and refused bus travel on the grounds that they wear their clothes incorrectly. Even young men suffer in the condition that they are required to control their siblings and they also suffer from forced labor.
Source: Between Salafism and Salafist Jihadism, Defense College
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