human rights watch

onsdag 8 maj 2019

You have probably noticed that Donald Trump and John Bolton are on the war ladder right now - against the Iranian regime.

You have probably noticed that Donald Trump and John Bolton are on the war ladder right now - against the Iranian regime.

John Bolton has actually propagated to fight the Iranian regime, Muslim Brotherhood and militant salafism for over 20 years - now he's got the power to do it too!

Are there EU countries that are close to Bolton's view of Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood, these are countries like France and Holland. While there are countries that will act as a megaphone for the Iranian regime - here you want to see England and Sweden especially go out to their defense.

What is happening now is incredibly good for minorities in mena. We can see that Israel's security is strengthened, we can see it emerging new opportunities for Kurdish independence and, for example, Assyrian self-government.

We should remember it was Obama who, with his policy that made the Muslim Brotherhood and the Iranian regime as powerful as they actually are today. Say what you want about Trump and Bolton, but I see it as positive that the US now cleans up after Obama!

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