human rights watch

måndag 21 oktober 2013

FEMEN Sweden in support of the international "You don't buy, I don't sell"-campaign. We salute the French government for wanting to adapt to "the Swedish model" regarding prostitution laws.

FEMEN in Copenhagen 
FEMEN Sweden in support of the international "You don't buy, I don't sell"-campaign. We salute the French government for wanting to adapt to "the Swedish model" regarding prostitution laws. This type of law criminalizes the buyer, and anyone else than the sex worker in question making money off prostitution — while protecting the sex worker by making it legal to sell sexual services.
Photographer Sindre Magnusson, SindreArt,
In the beginning of FEMEN activity in 2008, we started to fight with prostitution, that bloody-thirsty machine that caught some our friends and easily could catch us. During the campaign "Ukraine is not a brothel" we proposed to fight with the social disaster that is a prostitution, on the law level. By FEMEN initiative there was created a project of the law "About criminalization of client". 

But it never happened the the law was voted and Ukrainian women could get a chance to run away from that violent men's business. The reasons for that were different, some of politicians were just ignorant, as they are always ignorant to women's issue in that part of the world but some had a personal interest to skip the law as it would mean to close their own business. 
Today FEMEN is observing the discussion on the adopting the same project of the law in France. FEMEN congratulate the initiative of socialists government on the issue of existence of prostitution in society. 
No prostitution! 

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