human rights watch

torsdag 29 februari 2024

We want to explain something that everyone should know PKK is not terrorist, pkk has not attack any country's interest, pkk has not done anything against another country that has nothing to do with.


written by israeli kurd organization

We want to explain something that everyone should know

PKK is not terrorist, pkk has not attack any country's interest, pkk has not done anything against another country that has nothing to do with. #pkk_is_a_freedome_fighting  #pkk_is_not_terrorist  #the_world's_biggest_terrorists_are_turkey

Turkey committed crimes against humanity in northern Syria especially in Afrin but those who called themselves human rights kept quiet and have not criticized Turkey for that crime against humanity in Afrin.

Crimes in Afrin

   pkk only fight for kurdish freedom in turkey.

Today the Kurds get imprisoned because of speaking Kurdish in Turkey or having Kurdish symbol. The Kurds live under torture and abusive special treatment by the Turkish regime.

You hear propaganda against the PKK even in Scandinavian countries because this country wants to become a member of NATO.

Today you get financial pressure from this country because the person is Kurdish.

Today only they think about their financial interests, they call themselves Christians, but the Turks murdered more than 1500000 Christians, they have not said why or have not demanded the truce to pay to the people of Armenia, today Azerbaijan in front of the eyes of the world is attacking Armenia and killing Armenian people, but the outside world keeps quiet.

Sincerely, Israel Kurdish Organization

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