human rights watch

onsdag 7 januari 2015

A big warning to the Europeans Security Council

A big warning to the  Europeans Security Council
because right now I would say Islamists are a major threat to European countries also aganist  freedom and democracy
A new information that has come isis sent armed men to the European countries, those well trained how to kill people the information we have received over 123 persons in Germany and 24 people in France 30 people in Denmark, over 60 persons isis Islamic barbaric terrorist organization members in Sweden and more than 40 people are in Norway.
Isis sends his Islam completely faithful members via refugees  camp living in Turkey unfortunately Turkish intelligence agency collaborates with isis also got fake passport to Isis members and send to the European countries to make the terrorist attack on the European interest.
Because we Warns European countries have ugly control over Islamic fanatics.
Isis sent more than 450 men with terrorists trained to European countries.

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