human rights watch

söndag 4 januari 2015

CENİ: Until light is shed on Paris murders our actions will continue

CENİ: Until light is shed on Paris murders our actions will continue

The Kurdish Women’s Peace Office (CENİ) has issued a written statement saying it will continue its campaign under the slogan “Your silence is due to your complicity” until those responsible for the murders planned by shady international forces are revealed.

CENİ condemned the murders of three Kurdish women revolutionaries, Sakine Cansız, Fidan Doğan and Leyla Şaylemez, on 9 January 2013 in a building in one of the busiest streets in Paris in the middle of the day. CENİ commemorated the three Kurdish women, saying that Sakine Cansız had resisted all manner of repression following the military coup of 12 September, and was a role model for the Kurdish women’s movement for her resistance to all sexist and hegemonic attacks.
The statement said that Fidan Doğan had worked in the diplomatic field in Europe for many years, explaining the just struggle of the Kurdish people to other peoples, adding: “She carried out great solidarity work between Kurdish women and women from other nations.”
The statement noted that Leyla Şaylemez had struggled against the assimilationalist policies in Europe and encouraged the revolutionary potential of the youth.
The CENİ statement said the struggle of Kurdish women in Sinjar and Kobanê, inspired by Sakine Cansız, Fidan Doğan and Leyla Şaylemez, was the best response to the shady forces behind the Paris murders.
The statement noted that for two years Kurdish women had held weekly protests demanding that light be shed on these murdrs, and emphasised that their campaign under the slogan “Your silence is due to your complicity”, would continue until those responsible for the murders were revealed.

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