human rights watch

fredag 15 juni 2018

An open letter to the Turkish people who think of freedom, freedom of speech,   democracy, justice and human rights

An open letter to the Turkish people who think of freedom, freedom of speech,
democracy, justice and human rights.
We are going to talk about future dangerous issues that are agreed with the Turkish nation.
Erdogan is a worst anti democracy today you need freedom, democracy, justice, freedom of speech,but erdogan tries to stop democratic process in Turkey, he plans to become a dictatorial as he already is.
Erdogan tries to Islamize the whole of Turkey just as Khmenei has done in Iran, today it is a day that the Turkish people say no to erdogan.
today many journalists, lawyers, prosecutors, doctors and politicians are in prison in Turkey and all of them detained by erdogan,,Erdogan just lies he plays fox games with the Turkish nation.

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