human rights watch

måndag 17 december 2018

A Turkish source revealed there was an agreement between Erdogan Isis and Barzani 2014 so Barzani's forces left Shengal and also denounced warded Yazidi who had weapons at home ..

Why Masoud Barzani Retired Peshmerga From Shingal 2014 When Isis The Islamic Brutal Fascist Group Attacked Shengal? Barzani had a close friend in Ankara and Barzani's friend Erdogan had good relations with Isis and Turkey Self-organized Isis also Turkish intelligence organized Isis and even trained Isis leaders also gave weapons to Isis .. Then Erdogan announced Barzani he should dew Yazidi before leaving Shengal then a few days before Isis Attack Yazidi They announced Masror Barzani and demanded Masror to disarm Yazidi who had weapons at home. when Barzani did all that isis demanded Hobom against Yazidi.
A Turkish source revealed there was an agreement between Erdogan Isis and Barzani 2014 so Barzani's forces left Shengal and also denounced warded Yazidi who had weapons at home ..

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