human rights watch

onsdag 12 mars 2025

The Swedish intelligence service's report in recent days is proof of the organization's ignorance of its country's internal affairs.


The #Swedish #intelligence service's report in recent days is proof of the #organization's ignorance of its country's internal affairs<

Or is this report superficial and has no connection to deep internal and strategic issues?

Important information is at hand The social agency called Social has sold people's personal data to countries with poor human rights and collaborated with foreign intelligence services.

According to the information received, the Swedish social security authority has forced many people to return to their countries and they have been arrested at airports. No one knows their health. In recent years, a woman named #Hengameh and another woman named #Mitra, in collaboration

The social service has handed over information about thousands of human rights activists to Iran.

The report contains two things: one is a lack of security issues and the other is a form of #hypocrisy and is far from the truth.

Why, because the #Swedish #government and social services themselves help #Islamists more than other people. All extremists have the best job and are in Sweden? They also have good finances. Do you want us to publish all the names and people who have top finances and have connections to extremists in

malmö and all other cities?

Riyam al mousaui frpn farhod family is a member of #hezbullah. The people work in social services.

Here you can see a lot of untruthful things that can tell you more about what exists today in Swedish society, Swedish authorities themselves open doors to those countries' intelligence services to play a role in Sweden, the Säpo chief does not know what is going on in this society

How many #Hamas #terrorists  members and #Hezbollah  terrorists members work within Swedish authorities? How many Iranian intelligence service members work through social services?

The Swedish government has negotiated with Iran not long ago in exchange

The report states that right-wing extremists can be dangerous to other countries without naming or identifying who they are? And the Swedish National Intelligence Service (Säpo) probably forgot how the authorities treat the people and is trying to distort reality and give completely fake things to the people.

During a press conference, the head of the Swedish Security Service, Charlotte von Essen, describes the challenges that Sweden and SÄPO are facing in the changed world situation. Photo: SVT

Säpo: Risk that the security situation could deteriorate further

Updated yesterday 10:06Published yesterday 08:19

The Security Service assesses the Swedish security situation as serious.

They also point out a more multifaceted terrorist threat – including from foreign powers.

– There is a significant risk that the security situation could deteriorate further, says the head of the Security Service, Charlotte von Essen.

The security situation in Sweden is serious and is influenced by the outside world, states the Security Service.

– The development that we are now seeing in the outside world means that the world order as we have seen it since the end of the Second World War is being challenged on a broad front, says the head of the Security Service, Charlotte von Essen, at a press conference.

Säpo states that foreign powers are using security-threatening activities and hybrid activities to destabilize Sweden and Europe. Threats are described in the form of illegal intelligence activities, cyber attacks, theft of technology and mapping of opponents.

There is also a “significant risk that the security situation could deteriorate further”, according to the Security Service.

– This could happen in ways that are difficult to predict, says Charlotte von Essen.

Russia the biggest threat

In the annual report, the Security Service, as before, states that “Russia is the biggest threat”.

– Their increasingly aggressive line towards the West has led to a more unstable situation both in Europe and in Sweden and our immediate area, says Fredrik Hallström, Chief of Operations.

– As a NATO ally, we are safer, but at the same time we must be prepared for the fact that this could mean a changed and strengthened intelligence interest from Russia in particular, says Charlotte von Essen.

In the report, Säpo addresses suspicious incidents at infrastructure and states that “in some cases” they have also investigated these events.

– In some cases, we see that foreign powers or their agents carry out activities against Swedish interests, says Fredrik Hallström.

– We can see that internal and external threats are more or less intertwined, which creates this incredibly difficult-to-assess situation that we are now in. Sweden is also affected by other countries' conflicts, where we become an arena.

“Multifaceted terror threat”

The terror threat level against Sweden remains a 4 on a 5-point scale. The terror threat comes from violence-promoting Islamist extremism and right-wing extremism, according to the Security Service.

They are now also seeing an increase in “online radicalized young people who are attracted and fascinated by the serious violence,” says Security Service Chief Charlotte von Essen – and how foreign powers can induce young people to carry out violent acts.

– We see tendencies towards a changed terror threat that is much more multifaceted than before.

Säpo is holding a press conference on the security situation on the occasion of its annual report.

Säpo Chief Charlotte von Essen (center), Operations Chief Fredrik Hallström and Head of Security Carolina Björnsdotter Paasikivi when Säpo presents the situation during a press conference. Photo: Jessica Gow/TT

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