human rights watch

måndag 30 mars 2015

Humanity, democracy, freedom, peace, and love

Humanity,  democracy, freedom, peace, and love
Human must help each other.
 We are human beings need each other with love and peace.
how many of you are thinking humanity?
and how many of you think only of your nationality? 
what do you think?
which of them are most important to you coming under this letter? 
2- nationality

please write your ideals about this letter
write comment
..samuel kermashani

lördag 28 mars 2015

Next week, Jewish people around the world will celebrate Passover which commemorates the exodus story.

Next week, Jewish people around the world will celebrate Passover which commemorates the exodus story.

fredag 27 mars 2015

mr obama meet peoples

mr obama meet peoples

Stop the abuse of asylum by the Iranian refugees

Stop the abuse of asylum by the Iranian refugees.

To : EU Parliament, UNHCR

Ladies and gentlemen, 
During the 36 years of religious dictatorship in Iran, millions of the Iranians left their homeland because of oppression and migrated abroad seeking their asylums. There are people among the refugees who migrated to Europe with some other objectives. 

Do not choose the most beautiful person in the world. Choose the person who makes your world, the most beautiful samuel kermashani

Do not choose the most beautiful person in the world.
Choose the person who makes your world, the most beautiful
samuel kermashani

onsdag 18 mars 2015

Sir Netanyahu is prime minister for israeli state , Congratulations with all my heart! ========================================================= سيد نتنياهو هو رئيس وزراء لدولة إسرائيل، مبروك من كل قلبي!

Sir Netanyahu is prime minister for israeli state , Congratulations with all my heart!
سيد نتنياهو هو رئيس وزراء لدولة إسرائيل، مبروك من كل قلبي! 

tisdag 17 mars 2015

I hope that Netanyahu will win in the Israeli elections, I like a political analyzes find that the Israeli people and the Middle East need to Netanyahu. Because Netanyahu knows just how does today in the Middle East's political crisis, Netanyahu can resolve the problem as quickly, because today it is happening in the Middle East, Netanyahu needs to remain so Israeli Prime Minister because Israeli people need a strong man like Netanyahu.

I hope that Netanyahu will win in the Israeli elections, I like a political analyzes find that the Israeli people and the Middle East need to Netanyahu. Because Netanyahu knows just how does today in the Middle East's political crisis, Netanyahu can resolve the problem as quickly, because today it is happening in the Middle East, Netanyahu needs to remain so Israeli Prime Minister because Israeli people need a strong man like Netanyahu.

Do Not forget HALABJA 16.03.1988 The Halabja chemical attack Kurdish:

Do Not forget HALABJA 16.03.1988
The Halabja chemical attack Kurdish:

måndag 16 mars 2015

We will never forget the Holocaust, we will never forgive those who killed our people, we will never forget Halabja we will never forgive those who killed our people.

We will never forget Halabja we will never forget the genocide against the Kurds into them occupying countries, iraq, iran, turkey and Syriacs we need to go hand in hand and all Kurds with different political opinions get together and fight to free Kurdistan from the occupying countries.

We will never forget the Holocaust, we will never forgive those who killed our people, we will never forget Halabja we will never forgive those who killed our people.

lördag 14 mars 2015

this video in English from ronahi TV is a weekly news in English on the Western Kurdistan rajava

this video in English from ronahi TV is a weekly news in English on the Western Kurdistan rajava

This is a message to all brave warriors who are willing to sacrifice their life for Humanity: We (kurds) are overwhelmed by support you are willing to give us!

Keser Muhammed
23 tim · 
This is a message to all brave warriors who are willing to sacrifice their life for Humanity:
We (kurds) are overwhelmed by support you are willing to give us! 
Please! I beg you! We have all seen enough death and suffering caused by war and tyranny. We the Kurds are asking for more heavy weapons. We need a big Army Contingent not a few brave lions willing to die! We ask that you use ur democratic systems to change the policies at home so they will help us defeat ISIS in a bigger fashion.
Everytime a friend says he is or wants to go and fight it rips me apart. I am so grateful for ur willingness to help. But i beg all of u to stay home! Yes! I just said stay home! Enough mothers have burried their children! We have to stop this in a bigger way. Example: demos, letter to your governments. We are the people! They work for us!!! They HAVE to do what we want!
I have lost too many friends in wars and camps and cannot stand one more loss!!!

onsdag 11 mars 2015

Rand Paul today have said we want to give Kurdish people, a country, we support Kurdish independence Rand Paul said today he will give kurds their own state, what do you think???

Rand Paul today have said we want to give Kurdish people, a country, we support Kurdish
Rand Paul said today he will give kurds their own state, what do you think???

the relationship between Islamic terrorists and Nazis have been very long ago, this dirty friendships

the relationship between the two sick ideals, Nazis and Islamists
the relationship between Islamic terrorists and Nazis have been very long ago, this dirty friendships

I urge my dear and beloved people Israeli people to vote for Netanyahu

I urge my dear and beloved people Israeli people to vote for Netanyahu
Benjamin Netanyahu
I want my people to live in peace and security
I want to defend my dear and beloved people
I love my people,, I love you all Israeli people.
Together we are stronger, we'll build the Israelis as the best country.
We have freedom of speech, we have democracy, we have human rights, we have the best training

tisdag 10 mars 2015

Barzani Isa Mr. Bernard Levy, "a member of the Foreign Relations Committee in the Israeli Knesset," watching closely with Nechirvan Barzani, "the Prime Minister of Iraq's Kurdistan region," the military preparations for the Kurdish Peshmerga forces to attack Kirkuk and restoration from terrorist isis,

Barzani Isa
Mr. Bernard Levy, "a member of the Foreign Relations Committee in the Israeli Knesset," watching closely with Nechirvan Barzani, "the Prime Minister of Iraq's Kurdistan region," the military preparations for the Kurdish Peshmerga forces to attack Kirkuk and restoration from terrorist isis,

What do you think of this idiotic entry from isis member called Isis media called sheikh Erdogan ??

What do you think of this idiotic entry from isis member called Isis media called sheikh Erdogan ??

This man has fought for a long time to create freedom and democracy for the Israeli people

This man has fought for a long time to create freedom and democracy for the Israeli people.
This man worked all in his life to obtain better life for their people.
This man has worked and defended Israel throughout his life,
Netanyahu love the Israeli people, and trying to israeli
people live in peace and security.…/File:Flickr_-_Government_Pre…
 — medYossi Smoler.

söndag 8 mars 2015

Kurdish traitor party PUK Jalal Talabani party with Iranian terrorist group Supah qudes attacked Iranian Kurdistan Democratic Party pdki in Koye.

Kurdish traitor party PUK Jalal Talabani party with Iranian terrorist group Supah qudes attacked Iranian Kurdistan Democratic Party pdki in Koye.
so you can look at the pictures how PUK peshmerga and Iranian terrorist Supah how Pasdaran attacked pdki in koye

Congratulations to all women on March 8 International Women's Day,   Congratulations especially Kurdish women from kobani and throughout Kurdistan We congratulate all women in the world

Congratulations to all women on March 8 International Women's Day,
  Congratulations especially Kurdish women from kobani and throughout Kurdistan
We congratulate all women in the world

fredag 6 mars 2015

I think the Shiite Militias are more dangrouse than ISIS for the future of the Kurds because Shiite militias have claimed they never let Kerkuk to be apart of Kurdistan.

I think the Shiite Militias are more dangrouse than ISIS for the future of the Kurds because Shiite militias have claimed they never let Kerkuk to be apart of Kurdistan.This means if Peshmerga insist on Kerkuk they will have to against fight the shiite after the battle of ISIS ends. BUT there a difference between ISIS and the Shiite Militias, ISIS is known as terrorist group so no country can help them dirctly and publicly but these militia shiites are not known as terrorist groups and they are armed and funded by Iran and the US especially Iran because these militias have been created by Iran and they are dirctly run by Qasim Sulaimani ( the leader of Iranian Army). If one day Peshmerga fight against them . who will help Peshmerga ? I think no one because they will not fight agaist a terrorist group.

The law in Canada has provisions allowing authorities to “vacate” a refugee’s protected status and revoke permanent residency if the person is criminally convicted or found to have lied in their asylum claim.

The law in Canada has provisions allowing authorities to “vacate” a refugee’s protected status and revoke permanent residency if the person is criminally convicted or found to have lied in their asylum claim.
Those refugees who travel back to their origin country must face residency. They have lied to the whole immigration system and in reality their life is not in danger. If they can and they do travel back to their homelands, they must never be allowed to come back to Canada again.

one of Google co-operation which does not want to reveal his name said, iran paid 340 million US dollars to Google Blogger to stop the Iranian opposition supporters to blog against the Iranian regime through Google blogger.

one of Google co-operation which does not want to reveal his name said, iran paid 340 million US dollars to Google Blogger to stop the Iranian opposition supporters to blog against the Iranian regime through Google blogger.
Iran itself did not directly germany who attended the Google boss and Iranian regime....Iran has dreamed so long times to be able to take over and control the Google blogger. it is 100% against freedom of speech. If Google were to listen to Iranian religious dictatorship barbaric

Iranian regime and the Turkish regime together organized isis

Funny world say nothing to Iran for what he is doing inside Iraq ... Look like a big business ....??????
Iranian regime and the Turkish regime together organized isis
War business documents between the US, Turkey and Iran also isis.
Isis has helped actually very much Iranian religious dictatorship barbaric regime's interest in Iraq.

Kurdish traitor party PUK Jalal Talabani party with Iranian terrorist group Supah qudes attacked Iranian Kurdistan Democratic Party pdki in Koye.

Kurdish traitor party PUK Jalal Talabani party with Iranian terrorist group Supah qudes attacked Iranian Kurdistan Democratic Party pdki in Koye.
so you can look at the pictures how PUK peshmerga and Iranian terrorist Supah how Pasdaran attacked pdki in koye

Shabbat Shalom Kurdistan שבת שלום ישראל .. Smiley heart Smiley heart Smiley heart Shabbat Shalom Israel שבת שלום כורדיסטן Smiley heart Smiley heart Smiley heart Sh

Shabbat Shalom Kurdistan
שבת שלום ישראל .. Smiley heart Smiley heart Smiley heart Shabbat Shalom Israel 
שבת שלום כורדיסטן Smiley heart Smiley heart Smiley heart

Ali Khamenei's death. Iran's leaders who had prostate cancer died today and will meet with Hitler and discuss how they treated people.

Ali Khamenei's death. Iran's leaders who had prostate cancer died today and will meet with Hitler and discuss how they treated people.
there will be more questions about what will happen after ali khameni death,
many think it will be military coup in Iran, because at there are many who want khameni's place.
there will be war between Rafsanjani, Khatami, Ahmadinejad, and there are many idiots in Iran that wants to take over khameni's place

torsdag 5 mars 2015

This blog is about human rights in the Middle East especially in Kurdistan we comply with humanity you can take a look at this video

This blog is about human rights in the Middle East especially in Kurdistan we comply with humanity you can take a look at this video

Turkey's regime are well known to the world as mythomaniac, they have lied all the time, I remember how the Turkish media copied anniversary of Halabja images and published so said the children from Turkey who were killed by the PKK, when today technology Latter them not to lie more, so right now Turks want to make fox game with the Kurds.

Turkish supporting isis

Turkey's regime are well known to the world as mythomaniac, they have lied all the time, I remember how the Turkish media copied anniversary of Halabja images and published so said the children from Turkey who were killed by the PKK, when today technology Latter them not to lie more, so right now Turks want to make fox game with the Kurds.