human rights watch

lördag 16 november 2019

major popular protests in all Iranian cities against Iranian religious fascist regime

major popular protests in all Iranian cities against Iranian religious fascist regime
🔴 The revolution to overthrow the theocratic and fascist dictatorship regime in Iran has begun in a concrete way🔴

The Iranian regime has tripled the price of fuel and the consequence has been popular demonstrations and crowds in Iran since last night.
Today, demonstrations and crowds expanded to almost all cities in Iran.

The wrath of the Iranian people has been at the top for a couple of years and they were only for a reason to unite and start a revolution before any foreign war should start against Iran.

All indications are that it has started a real revolution which will be the beginning of the end of the Iranian regime.

Protesters set fire to moon Benisnmak, Banks and the guards' cars in many different cities in Iran.

The terrorist-labeled Revolutionary Guardian began to kill protesters by using war munitions against protesters.

To date, at least 15 were shot dead and dozens were shot in various cities in Iran.

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