human rights watch

onsdag 25 april 2018

Is racism a disease ??

Is racism a disease ??
Yes racism is a harmful disease that can do anything.
For example, when Erdogan attacked Afrin, all children family schools bombed the hospital all. It's the last step to see what has happened and more things are going to happen.
Racism has step by step.
Rasismen is an incorrect cell in the brain that works incorrectly all of the difficulties and the problem of the situation around a racist think that it is the wrong of others.
In the first step is not so dangerous, but in the second step racism can become well dangerous.
In the second stage, racists come to extreme madness
Here comes the racist person to the last madness
Then racism will eventually use the force.
and grow up.
For example, Breivik in Norway What has happened in Norway is the last step of racism ideas.
If racism does not get any judgment that you should listen to then do not get somewhere to run its ideas as it's just as isis has done in Syria and Iraq.
I say yes racism is a disease step by step. The final step for racism is violence and terrorism.
For example, Islamists are a creature of racist religious who do not want to see anyone other than himself.

Racism like a disease
It seems that pharmaceutical companies may have found a new way of making money. Namely by considering racism as a disease that can be treated with pills. Racism is not the result of reality, or politics, but only a purely individual brain failure that is best treated with pills. A further individualization of society, thus. An increasingly poor society with all the worse cohesion and less common is the consequence of this way of thinking.

Everything that is not according to the norm can with this view be considered a disease. If racism can be cured with pills, homosexuality may also be "cured" in the same way. Maybe you can remove wrong eye color, wrong skin color, asparagus, socialist views. Everything that deviates. The result: Correction. A boring society. A society I would not like.

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