human rights watch

lördag 8 september 2018

Number of dead of attack against Koyê increased The number of those who lost their lives in the Iranian regime's bombardment of the Eastern Kurdistan Democratic Party (HDK) and the Kurdistan Democratic Party-Iran (PDK-I) in Koyê rose to 14.

Number of dead of attack against Koyê increased
The number of those who lost their lives in the Iranian regime's bombardment of the Eastern Kurdistan Democratic Party  (HDK) and the Kurdistan Democratic Party-Iran (PDK-I) in Koyê rose to 16.

Fouad Xakî Beygi, PDK-I representative in Sulaimaniya, confirmed the attack and said: “Shells have hit areas near our central bases. We want the government to investigate the case".
Iran has used unmanned aerial vehicles and artilleries.
The attack started before noon. Local medical authorities say at least 14 people lost their lives and 40 were wounded. Some of the wounded are in serious condition and there are children among the wounded.
The attack happened during a HDK meeting. It is not known whether the local government was informed about the attack. However, the regional government declined the attack on Koyê in a written statement. 
The attack was carried out on the same day the Iranian regime executed three Kurdish political prisoners, Ramin Huseyin Panahi, Zanyar and Lokman Muradi.

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