human rights watch

måndag 11 augusti 2014

Kurds: We Support Israel, Thanks you USA

Kurds: We Support Israel, Thanks you USA.

After US Air Forces attack on ISIS, Kurds Had met in the White House and Siad : Kurds: We Support Israel, Long live Kurdistan, Thanks you USA, Thank You Obama.

Kurds kurdistan erbil duhok zaxo zakho white house arabs
obama new york city rudaw barzani talabani isis iraq usa US air force germany israel turkey iran syria shingal messi fc barcelona real madrid cristiano ronaldo,
US Secretary of State John Kerry has urged the leaders of the state's autonomous Kurdish region to join Baghdad in forming an inclusive government.


Kurdish troops have seized on the conflict in the north of the country to expand their territory. They have reportedly taken control of rich oil deposits, as well as Kirkuk, a city they consider their historic capital.

Under Iraqi Kurdish President Massoud Barzani, officials have made it clear the resolution keeping Iraq together as a state is in ...

مقاطع لعمليات PKK ضد الجيش التركي
Syria Civil War 2013 - Battlefield Syria: Heavy Fighting Clashes And Firefights. Heavy Fighting, Heavy Clashes and Intense Firefights. This pictures do we get if we look up the internet for Syria Videos. No war ever before was so well documented by alternatet sources like the Syrian Civil War. In 2013 there was such an high amount and flood of informations, pictures and videos about this conflict that it is impossible to cover them all up in just one video. This compilation brings back some famous scenes of the conflict that apeared on the net in 2013. It shows footage of the Syrian Army and also of the Syrian Rebells in HD. It dont seems like this storm of raw information will end in 2014 as there is still no end of the conflict in sign.
The war in Syria the Most shocking footage 2014
Suriyada müharibə Ən şok görüntülər 2014
Lufta në Siri Më tronditëse pamjet 2014
Սիրիայի պատերազմը Առավել ցնցող կադրեր 2014
De oorlog in Syrië de Meest schokkende beelden 2014
Ο πόλεμος στη συρία τα Πιο συγκλονιστικά πλάνα 201
Krigen i Syrien er den Mest chokerende optagelser 2014
La guerra en siria Más impactantes cuadros de 201
La guerra in siria la Più scioccante fotogrammi 2014
La guerra a Síria, el Més impactants imatges de 2014
Karš sīrijā Visvairāk šokējoši kadri 2014
Karas sirijoje Labiausiai šokiruojantis kadrai 2014
Војната во Сирија Повеќето шокантна снимка 2013
Der Krieg in Syrien, Die meisten schockierende Aufnahmen 2014
Krigen i Syria de Mest sjokkerende opptak 2014
Wojna w syrii Najbardziej szokujące klatki 201
A guerra na síria, a Mais chocante de quadros de 2014
Războiul din siria Cele mai şocante imagini 2014
Вайна ў сірыі Самыя шакавальныя кадры 201
Войната в сирия Най-шокиращи кадри 2014
A háborút Szíria a Legtöbb sokkoló felvétel 2014
Рат у сирији Највише шокантан снимак 2014
Vojna v Sýrii Najviac šokujúce zábery 2014
Vojna v Siriji Najbolj pretresljivih posnetkov 2014
Savaş, suriye'de En şok edici görüntüleri 2014
Війна в сирії Самі шокуючі кадри 2014
Sota Syyriassa Eniten järkyttävää kuvamateriaalia 2014
La guerre en syrie, le Plus choquant des images 2014
Rat u siriji Najviše šokantne snimke 2014
Válka v sýrii Nejvíce šokující záběry 2014
Kriget i Syrien är den Mest chockerande bilder 2014
Sõda süürias on Kõige šokeerivad kaadrid 2014
Tanks are the most stupid weapon ever made
Syria 2014 filmed by different Syrian people 
The Syrian revolution just turned three years old, but for the past year things haven't looked good for the rebels. Attacked from behind by the renegade Al Qaeda splinter group the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, or ISIS, and from in front by a resurgent regime, Syria's moderate revolutionaries have been on a losing streak.

But since the New Year, everything's changed, at least in the rebel-held north. ISIS is now fighting every other armed group in the country, and is abandoning its former strongholds all across northern Syria. A VICE News crew, the first western journalists in northwest Syria for months, has embedded with Syrian rebels fighting ISIS, and is following their rapid advance across Idlib province, until yesterday an ISIS stronghold. This is the only footage to come from the Syrian war's most recent and least understood turning point.

But the PYD's hopes of staying neutral in the conflict and building an autonomous Kurdish state were dashed when clashes broke out with Syrian rebel forces in the strategic border city of Ras al-Ayn. That encounter quickly escalated into an all-out war between the Kurds and a powerful alliance of jihadist groups, including the al-Qaeda affiliates ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra.
kurdish YPG fighters against al qaida alnusra terrorists in northern Syria
kurdish YPG fighters against al qaida alnusra terrorists in northern Syria
bıji YPG!
Biji Kurd U Kurdistan
وحدات حماية الشعب YPG تصدت هجمات داعش جنوب مقاطعة كوباني 17-03-2014

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