human rights watch

lördag 16 augusti 2014

Thanks to the Assyrian Women's Association for a good meeting today. State of minorities who are also indigenous peoples in Iraq and Kurdistan is serious.

Thanks to the Assyrian Women's Association for a good meeting today. State of minorities who are also indigenous peoples in Iraq and Kurdistan is serious.

It is unacceptable for people to be faced with two choices: either convert to Islam or die. And women and children are abducted, raped and sold by jihadists. If the world must act - the countries that support the economic and military Isis must be held accountable and the jihadists must be tried! But guessing that no countries will be "obliged" to most of the blame, both regional and international powers.
But humanitarian assistance and efforts must all contribute and Isis must be stopped!
Iraq and the Middle East does not need more guns! A United Nations - mandate is most important now in position to stop Isis.
But they will not go away, unfortunately for it - as long as the states that are members of the UN support jihadists, as long as Iraq does not protect its citizens!

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