human rights watch

tisdag 12 augusti 2014

What is the connection between Al-Maliki and ISIS?

What is the connection between Al-Maliki and ISIS?
very since the fall of Mosel, a city of 1.5 Million, I have been thinking of how and why the city fail so fast and so easily. No one can refute the fact that the Iraqi military is very ineffective, corrupt, lazy and most importantly, has no desire to fight but still one must wonder why they fled so fast in huge numbers even before the arrival of ISIS to Mosel.

 Furthermore, the Iraqi army/government not only left huge military hardware to the terrorists, but they left a bank with $500 Million in cash for the taken!! And it is clear to see that with this money and advanced military equipment available for the terrorists, they have grown stronger and richer.

This incident deserve serious investigation to get to the bottom of it. What I mean is that it is highly suspect (specially the timing of this incident) that the Iraqi government would allow the terrorists to take huge amount of cash and military hardware without any hesitations. Is it possible that Al-Maliki gave the order to his military personnel stationed in Mosel to abandon their posts and return to Baghdad and allow ISIS to take over the city? After all, it is Al-Maliki that is in control of all aspects of security and defense in Iraq and he is the only person that can give such order.

Furthermore, every since ISIS took control of the "stolen" money and new weapons, they have shifted their fight to Kurdistan and have completely forgotten about Baghdad! For more than a month the ISIS made huge advance toward Baghdad, which was their main goal, and now we see that such advance has completely stopped and shifted their focus on Kurdistan. It seems very strange that ISIS would change their plan from removing Al-Mailki and his government into attacking the Kurds that have not been involved in this fight from the start.    

Could it be that ISIS is actually working for the benefit Al-Maliki? Is there a connection/relationship between Al-Maliki and ISIS? How is it that a small government owned bank in Mosel contains $500 Million in cash and that was placed there only few days prior to ISIS moving into Mosel? Why was the money there to begin with? Is it possible that Al-Mailki provided ISIS with money and weapons in order to fight the Kurds? I think it is worth investigating/researching this issue deeper and see if indeed ISIS is working along side A-Maliki to destabilize Kurdistan. I personally believe that Al-Mailki's plan is to punish the Kurds and destabilize Kurdistan since the Kurds no longer support him and want him removed from power. 

Rizgar Xoshnaw, a senior Kurdish writer based in Washington, a longtime contributing writer and columnist for

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