human rights watch

torsdag 11 september 2014

after zartk hill battle kurdistan

after zartk hill battle kurdistan
all u need to know what hes saying is after the peshmergas defeated isis in zartik hill there was lots of dead isis guys left behind the peshmerga forces have digged graves for the dead isis 
the officer say they treated the dead bodys whit respect and they didnt let any body do any thing with it . now in zartik hill in every 100 miters you can see isis graves . the first zeravini battalion
has confirmed most of the dead isis wate local arabs and foreigners as the peshmerga says they ware ( greeks . sudanians .tunisians.afghans) there is lot of bodys there are 17 graves in this area
and 10 more next to us . and another 8 are in here and more . as the peshmerga says

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