human rights watch

onsdag 3 september 2014

Israel acts against ISIS the islamic barbaric terrorist for the first time

Israel acts against ISIS  the islamic barbaric terrorist for the first time

Defense Minister Ya'alon signed an announcement defining the radical terror organization as an unknown association.

Defense Minister Ya'alon signed an announcement defining the radical terror organization as an unknown association. The meaning of this is that legal and other measures will be taken against assemblies, resource fund-raising and other activities of the organization. The signing took place at the Shin Bet's recommendation. 
After the beheading of the journalist with the Israeli citizenship Steven Sotloff, Defense Minister Moshe (Bogie) Ya'alon declared for the first time today the radical Islamic organization and the Abdullah Azzam Brigades "illegal associations".
Signing the declaration enables taking legal actions against the assemblies, resource fund-raising and additional activities of these organizations or of members of them", the minister's message read. "Signing the document was performed after the Shin Bet's recommendation".
Earlier today US Secretary of State John Kerry threatened that his country will act against ISIS and make its men pay the price for what they did. "Barbarity, sadly, isn't new to our world. Neither is evil. We've taken the fight to it before, and we're taking the fight to it today", John Kerry declared.
"When terrorists murdered our citizens anywhere in the world, the US has made them pay, no matter where they were and how long it took", Kerry stressed. "Those who murdered James Foley and Steven Sotloff need to know that the US will make sure they are judged for what they did, no matter how long it takes".
The Secretary addressed the family of the Jewish-American journalist on a more personal note and said: "There are no words strong enough to express the grief we feel toward his family, especially his mother, whose breath-taking video touched every parent in the world who ever worried about their son or daughter when they went to dangerous places in order to do the work they so loved".
ISIS organization published a video yesterday under the title "Second Message to America", which shows the alleged beheading of the 31-year-old American journalist Sotloff, who was abducted in Syria two years ago. The US has confirmed the authenticity of the video a short time before it was published.
US President Barak Obama also condemned the cruel murder, "justice will be done", Obama promised. "We will not be intimidated; we will unite against the terrorists". 
Sotloff, a holocaust survivors' grandchild, was raised in Miami receiving Jewish education. In 2005 he arrived in Israel after finishing his communications studies in the US. Shortly after landing in Israel he searched for a rugby team to play with once in a while, finding one in Ra'anana.
Three days before his abduction in Syria Sotloff wrote to his Israeli friend Oren Kesler. "I will let them convert me, and then thy will really love me", Sotloff wrote to his friend. "What exactly are you going to cover? And for whom?" Kesler asked. "I heard there is a women unit in Aleppo", Sotloff replied.
"Really? Are you going to tell me that you are a Jew who wants to convert to Islam?" Kesler asked, concerned. "They will obviously love you, but you have to be convincing". Sotloff tried to calm his friend down and clarified: "Anyway I am not covering anything about the Jihadist, unless it lands on me". 

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