human rights watch

fredag 12 september 2014

Turkish regime is a terrorist regime because Turkey supports Hamas a terrorist organization against the Israeli people, Turkey also supports isis a terrorist organization against the Kurdish people.

Turkish regime is a terrorist regime because Turkey supports Hamas a terrorist organization against the Israeli people, Turkey also supports isis a terrorist organization against the Kurdish people.
 Turkey is on the ATTACK against Israel , and the United States with Turkey's support of ISIS. Turkey must be cut up into many pieces beginning with The Kurds of BAKUR breaking away from Turkey to form a Sovereign Kurdish Federation Nation State with BASUR Kurdistan from Iraq and ROJAVA.

 Kurdistan from Syria. A all out attack on ISIS, would mean establishing the Sovereign Federation Nation State of Democratic Kurdistan, uniting Kurdish BASUR with Kurdish BAKUR and Kurdish ROJAVA. Turkey is on the ATTACK against the USA. ISIS was created by Turkey to commit Crimes against Humanity. Turkey has ripped up the rulebook and has put into practice its Envero-Islamist adventurist foreign policy and has resorted to hard-power games, with Turkish State sponsored jihadist ISIS violence in the Middle East. Since Turkey’s security is nothing less than fully dependent on NATO., it is time to give Turkish ambitions of a self-standing foreign policy a REALITY CHECK, by NATO establishing the Sovereign Federation Nation state of Kurdistan. The most effective way to defeat Islamic extremism and Islamic terrorism is to establish the Democratic and Sovereign Federation Nation State of Kurdistan. The United States needs to tear apart the Sykes–Picot Agreement,, and create a new Middle East with the Sovereign Federation Nation State of Kurdistan in the centre of the plans for a new Middle East.
Its time for all the NATO people stationed in Turkey, to assist the Kurds in a VELVET DIVORCE from Turkey,for BAKUR Kurdistan (which is occupied by Turkey) to join a Sovereign Federation Nation State of Kurdistan (with ROJAVA Kurdistan from Syria and BASUR Kurdistan from Iraq), like the VELVET DIVORCE that happened between the Czech Republic and Slovakia when Czechoslovakia Dissolved in 1990.

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